Fight Fighters [Pt.3]

Start from the beginning

Soos: "It's not just a game anymore!"

♦️{Mabel's POV}

Mabel: "All right, Waddles. It's time to begin... Operation Get Stan Over His Fear of Heights! I came up with that name."

I walk over to where Grunkle Stan was; he was sleeping on the couch of course.

Mabel: "HAPPY GREAT-UNCLE'S DAY" I shouted to the top of my lungs.

Stan wakes up and I hand him a very 'special' present for the 'special occasion'.

Stan: "Huh? Is it Great Uncle's Day?"

Mabel: "Haha, yeah of course it's not a day I made up."

Stan: "High heels? You shouldn't have. Seriously, wha what? What is this?" He suspiciously gazed at me as opens the box only to see high heels.

Mabel: "What's wrong? Are you saying these heels are TOO high? Do they make you uncomfortable? Hmm?" I interrogated him.

Stan: "Maybe..." He uttered.

'That's very, very suspicious if you ask me...'

Mabel: "Admit it! Admit you have a fear of heights!"

Stan: "What? That's why you bought me these? You should be ashamed of yourself! And on Great Uncle's Day no less. But no, I don't have a 'fear of heights'." He rambled as he was fixing the television.

The TV starts working and tunes to a show where some guy was skydiving. Grunkle Stan then screams in terror and trips over the dinosaur skull near by.

Stan: "So I have a fear of heights. Is that really so fucking cray-cray.?"

♦️{Dipper's POV}

I just face-palmed as I saw Rumble and [Y/N] attacking a fly.

Dipper: "Well, we don't have any traditional power ups: turkey legs, pizza boxes, or gold rings. How about... half a taco?" I say as I went through the refrigerator.

Rumble: "Place it, on the floor."

I did as told and put the food on the floor.

[Y/N]: "Such disrespect for food."

Rumble looks at it and it disappears, it then reappears in his powerups menu.

Dipper: "I wish I could do that!"

Rumble: "Now I must defeat the world's greatest fight-fighters. Take me to the Soviet Union!" He demanded.

[Y/N]: "That's gonna be a tough one pal."

Dipper: "Yeah and for a number of reasons. But I do know a fighter here in Gravity Falls."

[Y/N]: "Me!"

Rumble: "Maximum Power?"

I pull out the poster Robbie had hung up at the arcade.

Dipper: "Nope. His name is Robbie V. and he's kinda like my arch enemy."

Rumble: "Did he kill your father?"

[Y/N]: "He sure did."

Dipper: "WHAT?!! Fuck no! Well he's dating the girl I like and he posts a really annoying amount of status updates."

Rumble: "...and then he killed your father!" He said as he crumpled the poster.

[Y/N]: "Exactly!"

Dipper: "Whatever, sure. Anyway, I was hoping you could, y'know, give him a bit of a good beating to scare him off."

[Y/N]: "I could've done that for you!"

Dipper: "I know I know, but--" I was cut of by Rumble.

Rumble: "Hahaha! Your question makes my shoulders bounce! Fire ball!" He shouts as he shoots a hadouken at the window.

Rumble: "Uppercut! Downer-cut! Bowl of PUNCH!" He drinks and smashes a punch bowl.

Dipper: "So you guys will beat Robbie?"

[Y/N]: "Fuck yeah!"

Rumble: "Challenge accepted! Press start!"

A start button then appears. As I was about to press the button, [Y/N] just presses it instead.

I just sighed in annoyance and decided to let it go.

Dipper: "I think I hear my uncle. [Y/N] come on and Rumble, stay perfectly still!"

I ordered as I run off with [Y/N].

♦️{[Y/N]'s POV}

I was now in the Mystery Shack's attic with my bestie, Dipshit and Grumble McSquishmush.

Dipper: "Hey Mabel. Have you met Rumble yet? He's my new hitman.

Rumble: "The child gave me a taco!"

Mabel: "Wow! He's got a crazy voice! But isn't [Y/N] already the Mystery Shack's hitman?"

[Y/N]: "Yeah!" I shout as I crossed my arms.

Dipper: "He is, but Rumble is just the second hitman!"

Mabel: "Okay. Anyway. Here, say these words. " She then writes words on a piece of paper and hands it to Grumble.

Rumble: "Effer...vescent! Apple..fritter! RIBOFLAVIN!!"

I started hysterically laughing at this.

Dipper: "Mabel, he's not a toy, he's a fighting machine!"


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