you can't be sad and hungry

Start from the beginning

"You have to eat something," I tell her sternly. "I'll make you some toast, just eat something. You can be sad but you can't be sad and hungry."

"... Fine," she hesitantly agrees before walking over to the dining table and sitting down on the opposite side of the twins who are waiting impatiently for their food.


Once breakfast was done and down, everyone moved to the couch and swarmed around mom so she could open her presents.

So far, she's received several jewelry pieces from Vision along with a few new perfumes. From Billy and Tommy, a couple of crystals and such from the shop in town. Mom's been meaning to buy some but hasn't found the time, so she loved those.

And now comes my gift, I hope she likes it as much as she's liked everything else.

"Oh, Y/N," she gasps, "This is beautiful." Right now, she's holding a sketchbook I started a while back. Months ago, actually. I've been planning this for a long time.

In each page of the sketchbook (which is one hundred pages long) there's a drawing of something important to mom. Whether that's one of us family members, drawings of the Avengers, her favorite flowers or favorite things, and my personal favorite - the picture I drew of her and Pietro on the final page. I only had photos of him to reference from, but I'd say I did a pretty good job.

"Yes, this is truly lovely," Vision smiles, squeezing his wife's shoulder. At this point, we can all see her beginning to cry.

"Excuse me for a minute," she asks of us, standing up suddenly and sprinting up the stairs with the sketchbook still in hand.

"Wow. That was unexpected," I say in shock, not thinking she would let herself break.

I find it remarkable that she's even managed to keep it together for this long. I'm glad she's getting it out, though.

"Is mom okay?" Billy asks worriedly, looking up at me. Tommy has the same look on his face. They're so sweet sometimes.

"She will be," I tell him, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. "She'll be fine. But on that note, I'm gonna go check on her. You guys clean up breakfast and the wrapping paper and all that and hopefully I'll be bringing mom back down shortly."

Ignoring their protests to cleaning up, I hurriedly make my way upstairs and to mom and Vision's room.

It's no surprise when I hear muffled sobs coming from inside. But that's what causes me to push open the door.

"Mom?" I say to make my presence known. She jumps at the sudden company and quickly wipes the tears away. "Stop that, you don't need to do that," I frown and walk over to her bed, getting in on the other side.

Of course her getting rid of the tears have done nothing. Her under-eyes are still swollen and her pillow has a darker patch from where said tears have landed.

"You know, uncle P wouldn't want you to be spending your day in bed crying. He would want you to celebrate life. Don't you think?"

Not being able to say anything else, mom merely nods her head as she fights back another sob.

"I'm gonna give you two options. You can either come downstairs now and we can start your fun day in ten minutes and go anywhere you like, or you can have twenty minutes of crying time and we can go later. But either way, you aren't staying in the house."

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