Chapter 23 ~ The rules

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Sultana's P O V


      At 8am, we headed into the school compound, assembly starts from 7.45am. We divided ourselves, went in between the lines to inspect the students. We finished inspection and clear.  We went back to the reception to see whether there are late comers bit there weren't any. We went back to the assembly ground. The teachers said what they were supposed to.

'' Prefects, do you have anything to add?'' Mr. Hector asked, referring to us.

''Yes sir, we do. ''Deejarh said, as she walked majestically to where the teachers were standing. We also followed her and stood by her side.

''Good morning seniors,''the students chorused as a sign of respect.

''What's good about the morning?'' She asked, raising on of her eye brow without a smile and also keeping a straight face. They kept quiet.

'' from today onwards, No student should come to school with an incomplete dressing, if not he'll bear the consequences, and also for the issue of disrespect, we are your seniors, so you'll should maintain yourselves. How can a junior talk rudely to his senior, what are you trying to turn into? You should better respect yourselves, I repeat, respect yourselves. We are not here to play. We'll be inspecting each class to see the ones that have bone ears, if you like behave well, if you like don't behave well. I have said my own. Each misbehavior attracts penalty.

''Hope you'll abide by our rules and regulations?'' Deejarh asked still keeping a straight face.

''Yes senior. ''they chorused,lowly.

''I can't hear you guys. '' Deejarh said again.

''Yes senior.'' They yelled.

''That's good.'' She said, moving to where I am.
   Abdullah came forward.

''Greetings senior,''they greeted.

''How are you?''he asked.

''Good.'' They chorused.

As to what Khadijah said, I will like to use someone as a scape goat. '' He said, maintaining a straight face.

''Muhammad Al Ameen Turaki. Come forward.'' He called and the guy matched forward and stood by his side.

''Do you all know what he did and why I want to use him as a scape goat?'' He asked and they chorused no. 
  He was rude to the head girl, Imagine, the head girl of all people.
M A Turaki, you'll fetch water and fill the tank using Tea Spoon, after that, you'll be having detention for 2 days. Next time disrespect your senior and see. '' I said and told him to go to class.  That's all we have to say.'' Deejarh said, directing what she said to the teachers. ''Everyone back to your classes.'' One of the teachers said and they all left.

We also went to class, attended our classes. Its already break time. We went to the cafeteria and deejarh took the mic

''Attention everyone,'' Deejarh said after clearing her throat and they all look her way.

''This is not how you are suppose to sit in the cafeteria, highschool 1 art, to the front sit. ''Deejarh commanded and they did, immediately. Highschool 1 science, second row.'' She added and they all did, till she reached highschool 3. We took our sits and sat down, the prefects sits are by the side. Eat our food, break was over, we went  back to class, attended only 1 class and left for the library. Gisted for a while, prayer time and they guys left , I was having headache and Thank God I am off, same as Deejarh too.

Abdullah's P O V

      We went to the masjid, I and Yusuf, we met some of the our so called classmates, we exchanged pleasantries and we left. we hardly talk to the males in our class. We performed wudh, and prayed. I recite my azkhaar,

''God, I love sultana,but since that guy Abdullah came its like she's been clingy on him. '' I overheard a guy said and I ignored him,thinking he'll stop.

'' yes, I also want to befriend her but she doesn't even notice me.'' I heard another one said and my fist clenched.

''Sultan no, just ignore them.'' Yusuf said, trying to calm me down.

''God, that sultana is a hottie but she doesn't talk to me.'' I heard and I was irated. I stood up and went to where they are.

'' Watch your tongue guys. Sultana is not your mate, so stop saying bad things about her, Its uncool.'' I said trying my possible best not to loose my cool.

''I told you guys, He's now been protective. '' A guy said. I seethed with with so much rage. '' you guys are all mannerless. Useless pigs.'' I semi-yelled, and Yusuf trying to drag me by hand and  I flinched. 

'' don't try me, if not...'' One of the guy said, while I muted him by shooting him a quelling stare. I left but was stopped when I heard one of them said something.

''Go to hell.'' He yelled, I turned and look him, up and down.

'' but that's your home,boy.'' I said,in a nonchalant manner and we left.

We went back to sultana and Deejarh who are still in the library. The bell ranged. We went to the principals office. She wasn't there. We went there because we are to announce something. We have the right to do anything we want as far as it didn't break the school rules.

Sultana took the mic and talked.
''Attention Attention Attention, Everyone attention.'' Sultana said through the mic and she continued ''everyone to the School Hall. Everyone to the school hall.'' She said again and we left to the school hall also. We went there and saw them all there. There are other prefects but its us, who have the most control. We sat at the high table. Deejarh took the mic and talked.

''Evening students,'' she greeted. '' evening senior Deejarh. '' how are you all?'' She asked. ''We are all fine Alhamdulillah.'' They chorused. '' that's good.'' She said and added.

''As you all know, we gathered here to talk about school right.'' She paused and they chorused yes. '' OK since you all know this. Here is a box and it contains papers, you'll all write your suggestions then put inside this box. We'll go out so by the time we'll be back you should be done writing your suggestions. '' she concluded.  Also after that, classes will be divided for the SS3 students. '' she finished and we left.

What's up wattpadians, Sorry for late update, You people should be voting abeg, Vote you'll not do, Comment you'll not do. This is not life. You all should communicate abeg. Anyways I still love you guys.

Another thing, I have started a new book called '' Cut The Crap Mr CEO. Do check it out please, I promise you'll love it. Please Vote comment share and tag your peopleee on both books.

Ashla loves you all❤
20th February, 2023.

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