Chapter 10 ~ Family House

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      Izzzzzzzza triple updateeeeeee🔥

Sultana's POV

  We went back home, I took a shower and got dressed in a peach floral gown. Applied powder and Kohl, took my phone and went to the twins room.

I entered and I saw addah Maya dressed in all black, in all black I mean her gown, shoe, clutch, shades, veil, she looks beautiful in it because she's fair in complexion.

"Addah Maya am( My sister Maya), noi awoni( how are you)" I asked her.

"Jam noi school ( good how is school)?" She asked.

"Jam Alhamdulillah. " I responded back.

" Noi bandu ma.( How is your health)?"she asked.

"Jam" I answered seated by her bedside

"Addah black mai dudi ( addah the black is too much)? I said after scanning her.

"I didn't know what clothe to wear so I ended up with this one." She said.

"If I ask you to change something will you?" I asked in a pleading tone.

"If it worth changing." She said looking at me with a smile.

"Ok change everything apart from your dress to red." I asked not sure if she will do so.

"Okay, fine." She said and she changed. Even her scarf to red.

"Addah I don't see your twinny around, where is she?" I asked, when I entered the room I couldn't spot her. Addah Maya and addah Afnan are twins. Addah Afnan is the elder.

"Ohh, her, she's in Ummi's room. " She said.

"Are you putting on same clothe?" I asked, they are always wearing same clothe especially if we are going out.

''Yeah''she said.  Let me get going, I have to pick up my clutch and shades too." I said and she nodded.

I went back to my room and took my clutch and shades.

"Sultee" I heard ummi calling me.

"Na'am ummi, Mido wara ( yes ummi, I am coming." I said, as i left the room and went to her.

" Maya, you are driving."Ummi  said as she went straight to the owners corner and sat down. She knows very well how Addah Maya hates driving.

" Why Ummi," addah Maya said whining.

"I have leg pain fa ummi." She pouted which is a lie, she doesn't have any leg pain

"My friend go and drive." Ummi said and she collected the car keys and sat to drive, Addah Afnan sat at the passengers seat while I sat together with Ummi.

Addah Maya was driving and whining at the same time.


   We arrived at our family house in maitama, which isn't far from our house. We honked and the haris ( gateman) opened the gate for us, we entered and parked.

We entered and met some of our aunts and uncles with their children. The are all my maternal family.

Let me list you my mother's siblings and their children accordingly.

My mom - Aisha married to Ahmad is the first born with 6 children

--Uncle Abbas is married to  Hameedah with four children

-Muhammad Bashir - Ya Abba, he is named after our grandfather. He is Hamma Al - amins mate married with two children ( Khadijah - Hanan and Aisha - Ihsan) 5year old.

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