S2: Chapter 2.

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Even though Yoongi knew he didn't have to lend a hand to the miscellaneous house chores, he couldn't sit still. After sending Taekwan off to his classes, he could spend most of his times leisurely in his chamber, or get a therapeutic massage or go to the sauna. However, no matter how much he tries to relax himself and drawn into self care, his mind always goes back to his husband and his son.

Is Taehyung safe? Is Taekwan causing trouble again?

"It's normal to worry, as a birth giver, I understand." The head cook, a scrawny old woman said, smiling up at Yoongi. Yoongi nodded while stirring the broth. "But you need to stop getting so restless, sweetheart. It's not good for your health."

"I wish it was that easy, halmeoni."Yoongi sighed. "You don't know what devil of a child Taekwan's become."

The old woman just laughed it off, maybe even she couldn't figure out what to say to him as a consoling remark.

"I'll take this to Taehyung today myself, you lot can go do the other house chores." Yoongi said to the servants. He's just trying to help them out, shouldn't they at least.... look grateful? They were fidgeting and glancing at each other nervously. "Did... I just say something wrong?"

"N-no, your majesty, by all means, you've been so kind to us, t-that..."The servants gulped and looked up at Yoongi. It was a small kid, must be around 13 or 14, he kind of reminded him of when he first saw Jungkook under the peach trees. "... frightening..."

"Pardon?"Yoongi makes,"I'm sorry, I couldn't catch what you said. Could you repeat that?"

"Y-your Majesty, please don't mind this fool! He's just spewing nonsense."Another one of the servant chirps in. It's another male servant, probably older than the other kid. "Please go ahead and do what you presume is proper."

Yoongi, after instructing the kids properly of what they could be doing when he's absent, sets off to deliver the broth to Taehyung. He didn't really know that they had such young kids as slaves in their palace. Maybe he could send them to calligraphy classes with Taekwan next time, he could bet they barely knew how to read.

The training ground was a bit far away from the kitchen, he can still remember that he used to get lost on his way in past and had to follow other guards to get to Taehyung.

He turns a corner and almost crashes into someone's chest. He would have spilled all the broth on the floor, had it not been for the person holding his waist and pulling him back up.

"Your majesty!"The man says and promptly lets go of Yoongi's waist. Yoongi stumbled back a little and sighed in relief to see that the pot of broth was still intact. "M-my apologies! I didn't see you were coming... are you hurt anywhere?"

"You don't have to—"


Jungkook popped up from behind the man and blinked. Yoongi blinked back.

"J-jungkookie?"Yoongi mumbled, he's utterly confused. He didn't know Jungkook was coming. "What are you doing here? You didn't say you were coming to the palace!"

"Ah... I do have some business to attend to,"Jungkook chuckled,"anyhow, are you headed to the training grounds? I'm going there as well. Hajoon here was escorting me."

"That so? Thank you, Hajoon-ssi, I'll take Jungkookie from here so you can rest assured." Yoongi smiled up at the man.

"Ah.. okay."Hajoon bowed, but Yoongi couldn't decipher the abandoned puppy expression he had. Maybe he shouldn't have meddled...?

"What are you carrying, Hyung?"Jungkook asked as they walk together.

"Broth for Taehyungie."

"Why is he at the training grounds?"

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