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It was the day of lantern festival and Yoongi didn't know what to do. Ditch them both? Tell them he's sick?

"That sounds like something an kid will say to ditch studies.."Yoongi murmured to himself,biting his fingernails. He saw Jimin walk from one side to the other side of the room, yeah, they were in the same boat.

"Jimin stop walking it won't resolve anything." Yoongi said,annoyed.

"But,"Jimin started,looking at Yoongi with puppy eyes. "I don't know what to do.."

"Just go with both of them." Yoongi said. There was a moment of pause before they both looked at each other, wide eyed. Jimin clapped his hands and smiled.

"Why did I not think of this before?!" He said. "Thanks Yoongi! I'll be off now, you should go or..stay, your decision." He said and went towards the exit. Yoongi said it at the hit of the moment but he never thought Jimin would agree to it. Was it worth to take the risk as well?

Yoongi swallowed a lump in this throat,he never knew what those two will do if they ever were to meet again. For some reason, they didn't seem to get along too well.

Jungkook was late,and he was mad. Not only he had to work on a holiday, he'll be late to meet Yoongi,too. There were more than 14 guards more who just came back injured for God knows whatever reason and he had to treat them.

"I will have to stitch it." Jungkook said, getting the needle box and a dried squid. "Here, chew on this to distract yourself from the pain."

The guard nervously took the dried squid and chewed on it as Jungkook continued to stitch the cut.

Yoongi was standing outside of the palace for 10 minutes now and there was no sign of Taehyung or Jungkook.

"Maybe they're busy-"

"Yoongi-ah!" Just when Yoongi lost hope, he heard the voice of Taehyung and looked over his shoulder. He was smiling widely as his cheeks puffed up. Moonlight fell on his face and he was sparkling. Yoongi didn't know the man ever looked so elegant before. He got closer and the sweet smell of rose scented fragrance caressed Yoongi's nose. He never knew he smelled so good.

"What are you doing? Let's go." Taehyung said and started walking but Yoongi stood where he was. Taehyung noticed and turned around. "What? Aren't you coming?"

"Uh,yes.."Yoongi said and walked towards Taehyung.

"Why? did you expect me to hold your hand-"

"No,shut up."Yoongi said and Taehyung laughed. It may seem crazy to some people but even Yoongi cursing at him made Taehyung feel good. He just wanted his attention, nothing else nothing more.

"You seemed so shocked at first,why?" Taehyung asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Oh uh.."Yoongi hesitated. "It's nothing..I wasn't expecting you to actually make time for this..."

" Does that mean I did something beyond your expectations?" Taehyung said, smiling from ear to ear.

"You wish." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

By the time they reached to the lantern festival, everything was packed. From the roads to the river banks, from the bridges to the shops. Yoongi just let his thoughts aside and thought he should enjoy his days,too. After all it was an holiday after some long tiring trainings sessions.

"We should buy some lanterns too!" Taehyung said, smiling at Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled back. "Sure." Taehyung's heart beat almost stopped after seeing his smile. He wanted to kiss him to so bad at that moment.

prince's affection [TAEGI]  ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ