Repairing The Family part 2 ch 40

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"Repairing The Family part 2 ch. 40"
At Tea-Tea saw some boxes from Mateo full of paperwork on the desk and pick one up and read it she was shocked as Gabrielle came in."Tea, Are you okay "Yes" No something wrong I can tell," Gabriella said as Mateo came in," Tea, Why do you have my paperwork "Mateo asked "Why do you have boxes everywhere "Mother, I'm moving out Tea you been so great and I have appreciated it" Where are you going "I'm moving in with Genevieve, I'm taking over the business and it seems right to "You're going to take over Lorenzo business "It's you're after all! You're not Mateo! We never had a brother named Mateo! You're Lorenzo after all! Tea yelled "Yes I'm, "Lorenzo said as Gabriella looked at him."You helped him didn't you mother? Tea yelled "Yes I did! I will always help my children ''Gabrielle said "How! Why would you do this to your children? Genevieve took over the business "Yes and I never thought I would be as proud of her as I'm! She is my daughter after all, Lila Rae is like Skye "Is this a part of revenge "After I woke up from the coma I wasn't the same and I need a lot of therapy so we had Dr.Hayward take me to a clinic to get better "Why did you come back and not say anything "Because someone shot Genevieve and I have to find who did it" It had nothing to do that Skye move on without you and with Ric" Tea said

"I hate that Skye is with Lansing I want my wife back "So what are you going to do" I'm going to win Skye back then I'll tell her who I'm" What about your children "I can't tell them yet, Please Tea," Lorenzo said "Alright I'll keep quiet "Thank, "Lorenzo said Tea touch Lorenzo face."I'm glad you're back, I miss you" I miss you too"

Copyright by Skye's The limit

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