Repairing The Family part 2 ch. 2

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"Repairing The Family part 2 ch 2"
"Monica Quartermaine "
At Skye's-Skye was pouring herself some coffee and looking at the mess of toys by her grandchildren and younger children she was happy that Genevieve was better from getting shot and now out of the mob but she was driving her crazy as Skye's cellphones rang ."AJ, I'll be at ELQ soon, No" Skye said as Genevieve came into the room Skye cried as she hangs up the phone," Mother, What is it" Monica died" No" Yes we need to go to the mansion "Skye said "Alright "Genevieve said

At Bobbie and Jeff-Bobbie and Jeff were having coffee together when Bobbie's cellphones rang it was Elizabeth."Elizabeth, Do you want to talk to you're father, No" Bobbie said crying as she hang up the phone."What is it" Jeff ask "Monica passed away in her sleep "No," Jeff said "She is now with Alan, She was so heartbroken when he died," Bobbie said' Yes he was the love of her life "Yes" We should go see the family, "Jeff said' We will," Bobbie said

At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ was in the den looking at a picture of Monica and Alan when Skye came in," AJ" I can't believe how both of my parents are gone, Who I'm going to disappoint now" This time around you didn't disappoint you and Monica got to put the past behind you "Skye said "Yes, Even both of you got along "Yes, At you're wedding to Elizabeth, Monica ask me to be ahead of the family "Skye said as Brooklyn and Ned and Michael came in," Monica ask you that" Yes and I will honor Monica "My mother is on her way home and I'm sure she will disagree about that" Ned said "Probably, I don't want to fight I just want to help our family "Skye said "Me too, We need to plan Mother funeral "Yes"

"Brooklyn, I want you to sing something beautiful for mother at the funeral "AJ, I will be honored too" Thank, Who wants to do the eulogy, "AJ asks "AJ it should be you "Yes Father it should be" Alright "AJ we will get through this," Ned said "I'm not going to fall apart and drink I have two beautiful young children who need me" Yes you do and we all are here for you, "Skye said she took AJ hands.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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