Repairing The Family part 2 ch 9

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"Repairing The Family part 2 ch 9"
"Saying Goodbye To A matriarch "
At St.Ann-Tracy was at the church making sure it was perfect before the funeral started."Oh Alan I miss you now you have your wife with you, I hope you're both happy together" Tracy said as Skye and Lila Rae and Genevieve and Olivia and Ned and Leo and Brooklyn and Lois and Michael and AJ and Elizabeth and Bobbie and Drew and Cecil and Lucas and Jeff and Felicia and Mac and Emma and Robin and Laura and Kevin and Lucy and Kristina came in, Kristina set up to tape the funeral so Emily could watch it.

"We are here to celebrate the life of Dr.Monica Quartermaine she was loved by the community and her family, Her son AJ will deliver the eulogy." The father said AJ got up and look at everyone."My mother loved the hospital working there that's where she met my father they didn't have a perfect love but they love each other through everything cheated tried to kill each other, and Lying about the affair but now they are together, I'm glad I came back and got to make up the time I mess up with my mother, I just wish I could have it with my father, Us Quartermaine aren't perfect but we love each, Mom I love you "AJ said as he cried and sit down by Elizabeth.

Tracy got up," Monica and I had many differences but I know she loved my brother. They were perfect for each other and now they are together again. We will never be the same without them but the Quartermaine is stronger than ever! Tracy said she sat down.

Jeff got up. "Monica is my ex-wife, We had our ups and downs but I did love her when we were married, I'm glad we made peace with each other and found happiness with one another," Jeff said

Skye got up."When I first came to town I was so belt on revenge and getting my parents together I wanted Monica out of the picture,We fought so much but we reclined made up and I'm glad we did we realized that we love our family and we have that in common "Skye said

Ned got up,"the first time I meet Monica I didn't know who she was and we had an affair I don't regret it ,I'll miss Monica but I know you're at peace with Alan now"Ned said

Brooklyn got up to sing as Ned and AJ and Michael and Drew took the casket outside.

Copyright by Skye's The Limt

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