Chapter Thirty Two

Start from the beginning

"Just don't let Lupin see."

"Of course not! I healed—"

"Potter?" Theo asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Harry, already but the quill is obviously cursed so all I was able to do was stitch it back together and make it fade almost to perfection."

"If this is only a week's worth, how badly will yours look by the end of it?"

"I hope that it's just as good as his, my dad can't see it. He'd freak out."

A cough caught both of their attention, Hunter was standing there, Quidditch gear on, he looked like he was in a rush.

"You didn't come to my invite." He told Noel.

Noel crossed her arms defensively. "You insulted my friend, I barely even know you. Did you really expect me to come?"

"Yes?" Hunter said, straightening his back.

"You're out of your mind."

"Maybe," he shrugged, "I think I'm just honest."

"There's a difference between being honest and being fucking rude. I think you need to work on differentiating the two."

"Go to Hogsmeade with me."

Noel scoffed, and shook her head, "You're out of your mind." She repeated but Hunter wouldn't budge.

"Go to Hogsmeade with me."


"Why not?"



"Because," Noel huffed, starting to pack her things up, "because I'm not interested in going out with anyone who just assumes I'm some sort of loser."

"I never said that!" Hunter said ludicrously.

"You implied it by saying I didn't have any friends!"

Hunter huffed exasperated. "Fine. Let's start over. I'm Hunter Knight." He held out her hand.

Noel looked at his bemused, staring at his hand. Noel rolled her eyes and reluctantly took her hand. "Noel Lupin."

"Nice to meet you, we have Care of Magical Creatures together, so I was wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me."

Noel rubbed her nose again, turning to Theo who was watching unabashedly; he gave her a cheeky wink and subtly nodded his head.

Noel looked at him, he was eagerly waiting for her response. "Fine."

Hunter gave a relieved sigh and beamed. "Great! Great! Okay, I gotta go now." He ran out of the library.

Noel looked at Theo in dismay. "A date or a hang out?"

"It's a date!" Hunter popped his head back in and gave Noel a wink.

Noel huffed and threw her bag over her shoulder.

"I thought you would go on dates with people you actually like." She muttered, Theo followed her, his face now blank, how he usually walked around the school. Broody Slytherin.

"Apparently he likes you." He shrugged.

Later, at dinner Harry had bumped into her looking frazzled and a bit weary.

"Noel! Oh thank God, Noel!" Harry said, taking a deep breath in, trying to catch his breath.

"Hello." She said amused.

too close to the stars - H.J.PWhere stories live. Discover now