Chapter 20

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The next day, Charles Wallace came into the office with a huge excited smile on his face.

Rob was there with a pretty lady by his side.

"Mr Petrie! Here I am!" said Charles Wallace.

"Charles Wallace! We've been waiting" said Rob.

"Yeah. But, uh... who's with you?" said Charles Wallace gesturing to the woman.

"My wife. Laura Petrie. Honey, this is Charles Wallace Murry" said Rob.

"Hi. I didn't know my husband was letting someone so young into this business" said Laura.

"I'm full of surprises, ma'am. Like what I'm about to show your husband" said Charles Wallace.

"And?" said Rob.

"I did it, Mr Petrie! I got us an act!" said Charles Wallace.

"That's fantastic, buddy. When can we meet them?" said Rob.

"Right now; they're outside" said Charles Wallace.

He led Rob outside to where Chad and Jill were waiting.

"Chad, Jill, this is Rob Petrie. My boss" said Charles Wallace.

"How do you do, Mr Petrie?" said Chad.

"I'm so glad you were able to come. But aren't there supposed to be two men?" said Rob.

"We're trying to see what these two can do together. We've heard so much about their previous pairing, we wanna see how it was done" said Charles Wallace.

"Well, it's nice of you to return, ma'am" said Rob to Jill.

"Yes..." said Jill uneasily.

"But this ain't all. You only asked for one, but I got you two musical acts" said Charles Wallace.

"Two? I didn't hear anything about a second act" said Chad.

"I'm surprising Jill with it. They're very new, but very encouraging. They're here to make their record debut and help the stage frightened Jill through this performance" said Charles Wallace.

"Great. Tell me the name of this act so we can introduce it?" said Rob.

Charles Wallace whispered the second act in Rob's ear and he wrote it down so it could stay a surprise. 

"Jill, do you know anything about this act?" said Chad.

"I might. I was talking to Sam yesterday and she said she'd encourage me. I believe the only thing I don't know is who she's singing with" said Jill.

"And you'll find out who she's singing with very soon. We're gonna put them on first" said Rob.

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