Chapter 2

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Sam was just finishing her day in the police department when Dick ran in to look for her.

"Sam! I mean... Sarge. Hi" said Dick.

"Oh hi, Dick. What brings you here?" said Sam.

"Well, I see your new job is working out. Y'know, babe, you really work your tail off. I know it sounds like I'm just saying it, but you really do. Really" said Dick. 

"Aw, gawrsh, Dick" said Sam.

"Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I'll be joining you and the guys for karaoke tonight" said Dick.

"Really? Awesome!" said Sam.

"Are your other guys going?" said Dick.

"Naw, Calvin's working late and Charles Wallace needs to get some sleep for this application he has to go to tomorrow" said Sam.

"What's he applying for?" said Dick.

"He's applying to be a screenwriter in New York" said Sam.

"That's awfully far from here, babe" said Dick. 

"Never stopped us. We just think about what we need to do" said Sam.

Jill then came over and said "Sam, isn't it about time we..."

Then she saw Dick's face and said "Oh. I beg your pardon."

"That's okay, Jill. I'd like you to meet Dick Grayson. My rookie Jill Gibson" said Sam.

"Gosh. Sure is a pleasure" said Dick.

"How do you do?" said Jill shaking his hand. 

"Dick's Bruce Wayne's ward" said Sam to Jill.

"Oh yes. I've heard about him. It's so nice to finally meet you" said Jill. 

"You were saying?" said Sam.

"I was saying isn't it about time we went to Actorville?" said Jill.

"Oh yeah!" said Sam.

"Wait. You go to Actorville too?" said Dick.

"I do" said Jill.

"Holy happenstance! Actorville is having karaoke tonight. Hey, Sam, we should totally invite this girl!" said Dick.

"Oh, great idea! How about it, Jill?" said Sam.

"I wouldn't miss it" said Jill.

"Excellent! Now let's go find Chad and get to it" said Sam. 

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