Chapter 18

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Sam told Dick to go down his Bat-pole then meet her at Jeremy's apartment.

Dick/Robin did as he was told and he joined Sam in telling Charles Wallace what they were gonna do.

"Charles Wallace. I have an idea" said Sam.

"I live for ideas!" said Charles Wallace.

"I had a talk with Jill. She said she'd do it if I got up there with her. But you asked for a group" said Sam.

"You got a partner?" said Charles Wallace.

"I sure do!" said Sam taking Robin's hand.

"Robin? Now that I would listen to" said Charles Wallace.

"Gee, Charles Wallace. You're gonna let us onto the show?" said Robin.

"Of course! I'll talk to Mr Petrie about having you join us" said Charles Wallace.

"Thanks, buddy! But did you tell Jeremy about Chad going on TV without him" said Sam.

"Yup. He's in Meg's apartment giving him a good talking to" said Charles Wallace.

"Gosh. He sure is passionate about his career isn't he?" said Robin.

"Good for you, Robin, realizing that. Jeremy never really abandoned Chad did he?" said Sam.

"Gee whiz. I didn't believe everything Peter and Gordon said" said Robin.

"Peter and who?" said Charles Wallace.

"Remember Peter Asher, buddy?" said Sam.


"He's in a folk duo too. You just haven't met his buddy"

"Really! Wow! Let's see how that works out with Chad and Jeremy" said Charles Wallace.

"They said they often get confused. But Peter and Gordon are younger and Chad and Jeremy are nicer" said Sam.

"Yeah, Gordon had a fresh mouth on him" said Robin.

"Well, Peter's pretty nice. We've met him" said Charles Wallace.

"But Gordon said Jeremy abandoned Chad for the stage play and that was the reason Jill ever got involved with him" said Sam.

"So that's why he's so worried about his marriage to Meg" said Charles Wallace.

"Could be. But I often hear her say she wants to see this" said Sam.

"Then I guess the lesson is to never listen to Gordon" said Robin. 

Charles Wallace nodded then digressed.

"So you guys are a duo now. You'll need a debut song. Got any ideas?" said Charles Wallace.

"Holy memory bank! I forgot" said Robin.

"How do you think we could make a hit single, bud?" said Sam.

"Well... the last time I saw The Beatles, John said he wrote a couple of songs that centered around something he was actually going through" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh yeah! Help! was a massive hit" said Sam.

"So maybe one or both of you guys should think of something that happened to you and write about it" said Charles Wallace.

"And I think I know just the thing" said Sam.

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