Chapter 7

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"How do you like that! Let's give a big round of applause to Chad and Jill!" Louis announced.

Jill grabbed Chad's hand and dragged him off the stage in a rush.

"I knew you still had it in you, Chad! Always bet on oldies" said Sam.

"Heh. I suppose" said Chad patting her shoulder.

"Chad may have it in him, but I'm not sure you do, Jill. You looked terrified up there" said Dick.

Jill didn't respond. She just kept her gaze downward.

"Sam..." said Dick tensely.

"Calm yourself, old boy. This woman is new to Actorville" said Digby. 

"She's less new to having eyes on her" said Dick.

"Perhaps so, but she hasn't sung with Chad in such a long time. This little fright might have been because she'd forgotten the feeling" said Pat. 

"But Gordon Waller said she never had the courage to..." Dick began.

"Now that's enough, Dick! And what does Gordon know anyway?" said Chad.

"A lot. He's known you longer than we have, Chad" said Sam.

"Oh of all the..." Chad sighed.

"But still, I would like to see more of that because this performance was incredible" said Dick.

"Agreed, young man, agreed" said Pat.

"But it depends on Jill. If she wants to" said Chad.

He tried to look at Jill, but she was no longer in sight.

"Hey, where'd she go?" said Sam.

"Nice, Dick. The story of what you've heard about her scared her off" said Digby.

"I'll go find her" said Chad. 

He exited the live reference room and found Jill on an upstairs balcony overlooking the sea.

"Jill?" said Chad.

Jill gasped then saw that it was her ex-husband calling her name.

"Oh, Chad. Hello" she said. 

"Are you alright?" said Chad.

"I s'pose. This view is helping. The sea is lovely" said Jill. 

"Oh yes. That's the sea where the ships come and begin the voyages" said Chad.

"Is that so. It's awfully big" said Jill.

"It's right on the Indian Ocean. Once you leave Actorville on a ship, you're immediately on the ocean and headed to another country" said Chad.

"My... this place gets more and more interesting every time I visit" said Jill.

Chad smiled then said "I'm sure. Now... what happened down there?"

"I dunno. The performance was... nice, but then Sam and her friend started gossiping about what people say about my association with you and... it was just too much" said Jill.

"I understand. I've had some nerve-racking experiences I don't like to be reminded of" said Chad.


"Yes. I never told the kids this, but when Jeremy and I first started touring, our new fans used to call me Clyde. I had to write a letter to the world clarifying that my name is Chad" 

Jill laughed a little then looked at Chad with a smile.

"And there are plenty of people who have something to hide. Even Sam" said Chad.

"What has she to hide?" said Jill.

"I don't know. She hides it. But I'm sure there must be something" said Chad. 

"Do you think the boy she brought has to hide something? He seemed pretty open" said Jill.

"Haven't the foggiest" said Chad.

"Perhaps... the fact that he might be in love with Sam. He spoke awfully passionately to her. But that's impossible. She's taken by one of the Wiggles" said Jill.

"No she's not" said Chad.


"Didn't you know? They divorced."

"They did? Why?"

"They accidentally got themselves arrested and Murray punished himself by losing himself his own wife" Chad explained.

"He'd give up the love of his life to teach himself a lesson?" said Jill.

"The Wiggles are four of the bravest people I know, Jill. But even their money can't buy us another Three Warriors" said Chad. 

"I suppose not" said Jill. 

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