Chapter 15

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Chad went back to his apartment, not knowing how to tell Meg what he was worried about.

She was home, but he wasn't as thrilled as he always was. She could tell and was immediately less thrilled.

"Chad? Are you okay? You never enter this apartment with that face" said Meg.

"Meg... I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just gonna say it" said Chad.

"You're scaring me" said Meg.

"Our marriage is in danger!"


"Your brother came by and said he's gonna put me on television with Jill" said Chad.

"That is so great for Jill!" said Meg.

"But what about me? She and I aren't married anymore and I'm about to go on TV with her" said Chad.

"It's okay, Chad. I actually wanna see you on TV with her" said Meg.

"Are you wiggy?" said Chad.

"She told me so much about her musical pairing with you, and I've been so curious about it... I'm actually glad Charles Wallace is doing this" said Meg.

"Jill told you about it herself?"


"Thank goodness. I was worrying you'd been talking to Peter and Gordon"


"Peter and Gordon. You don't know them?"


"Really. Apparently, Sam and Dick Grayson have met them. They told them how Jill was frightened of performing. I think they'd like to see this to know if they were right" Chad explained.

"Then those guys are jerks" said Meg.

"No, they're really right. If you'd gone to Actorville that night, you'd know they were right" said Chad.

"And I think they're wrong. Jill can do it if she tried" said Meg.

"That's just the trouble. I don't think she'd want to try" said Chad.

"But you'll be there. That'll relax her" said Meg.

"Meg, you're my wife. And until the day I die, you're not gonna be anything but my wife" said Chad.

"Good! Then we've confirmed that! After this performance, you'll never have to do it again" said Meg.

Chad relaxed and took a breath, thinking about what she just said.

"Please. Charles Wallace needs an act fast, so he says" said Meg.

Not trusting his voice, Chad just nodded his head to agree.

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