Chapter 5

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Two men got up on the stage and started to announce things.

"Helloooooo, Disney Actorville and welcome to karaoke night! We are your hosts Louis Prima..." one began.

"And Phil Harris!" the other finished.

"We are so excited to host tonight's karaoke" said Louis.

"But not nearly as excited as we are to hear all our Actorville buddies sing! So who's gonna rock the house first?" said Phil.

Two actors were chosen to go on stage and sing.

"Why have hosts?" said Dick.

"It helps choose which actors are gonna sing" said Digby.

"We can't just have the actors fighting about who gets to go on stage next, eh?" said Pat.

"But what if the song requires more than one singer?" said Sam

"Then they choose more than one singer. It's not exactly Mission: Impossible" said Digby.

The two chosen actors finished and the whole crowd applauded.

"Let's give a big round of applause to Bruce and Darleen!" said Louis.

"Now who's gonna rock the house next? Spotlights please!" said Phil.

Two spotlights shone on Sam and Dick.

Sam got onto the stage no problem but Dick hesitated.

"Go on, Dick! Aren't you gonna sing?" said Digby.

"I told you guys I can't sing" said Dick.

"Cool it, boy. Unwind yourself" said Louis.

"Yeah, come on. Sing with this girl" said Phil.

Dick got onto the stage and faced Sam.

"You're really gonna do this?" he said.

"I will if you will" said Sam.

"Well, why don't you start us off, honey? To get the boy acquainted with music" said Phil.

"Sure..." said Sam.

She sang into the microphone. Dick joined her later.

My Dick, you're wiser than wise

Oh what your eyes can see

You're the only one who understands

My curiosity

So please tell me...

Why does the whispering wind

Sound like a lullaby

Is that the magic music 

From beyond the laughing sky

Dick: Why can't the swallows remain?

Where is the place they fly

Why can't I go along with them

Beyond the laughing sky?

Sam: If I climbed the highest tree

Where oh where would I be?

Dick: Would I find a place for me

In the land of grand enchantment?

Sam: Where do the clouds disappear

When they go rolling by

Dick: I'm wondering about the world

Both: Beyond the laughing sky

And the crowd went absolutely wild.

"I knew you could do it" said Sam rubbing Dick's shoulder.

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