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Addison's POV

"Auntie Addie, you fwiends like me?" Eleanor asks me when we arrived at the Oceanside Wellness Group.

"Of course they'll love you little one."

"Izzie no like me. Dewek no like me." Eleanor says when we entered the building and headed towards the elevator.

"That's why your Auntie Addie and Auntie Merry had her leave the house yesterday. But these people are our family so they're going to love you." Emily tells Eleanor as we entered the elevator and I pressed the button to the top floor.

"Hello Addison and Emily." Tilly Jones, the security guard greets us from the other side of the microphone. Eleanor raised her arms up and I immediately picked her up, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Eleanor, this is our friend Tilly Jones and she is a security guard here. Tilly, this is my and Meredith's niece Eleanor Grey."

"Tilly you weal name ow nicky-name, like Mama's nicky-name Lexie?" Eleanor asked Tilly who chuckled in amusement.

"It's a nickname Eleanor. My real name's Matilda, but I prefer to go by Tilly." Tilly explains to Eleanor when the elevator stops, signalling that we've arrived on our floor. The three of us exited the elevator and see Dell Parker at the reception desk.

"Oceanside Wellness Group. Uh yes, you're confirmed for Tuesday at 4. Oh, no, no ma'am, no I'm not a doctor. I don't know what you should do about the itchiness down there. Ok, yeah, ok, ok, bye." Dell says into the phone before hanging up and looks up at us.

"Hey Dell. This is my niece Eleanor Grey. Eleanor, this is Dell Parker." Eleanor looks at Dell with a smile on her face.

"Hi." Eleanor greets Dell before placing her head on my shoulder.

"Hi there Eleanor. Hi Addison and Emily. Naomi is free right now so you can just walk in." Dell says before we headed to Naomi Bennett's office. There sat Naomi and my former sister in-law/surrogate little sister Dr. Amelia Shepherd.

"Addie! Emily! It's such a great surprise to see you. Who's this? How's Meredith?" Amelia asks, causing the adults to chuckle while Eleanor looks at Amelia with fascination her eyes.

"Amelia, Naomi, this is my niece Eleanor Grey. Eleanor, that's my sister Amelia Shepherd and my best friend Naomi Bennett."

"You talk weally fast Auntie Amy. Hi Auntie Mimi." Eleanor greets them before wiggling to get down to the ground. Putting Eleanor down on the ground, she walks to Naomi's desk and looks at the pictures.

"Who is tat giwl?" Eleanor asks, referring to a picture of Naomi's daughter Maya Bennett.

"My daughter Maya. She's in school right now, but you can meet her later." Naomi tells Eleanor who nods before walking back to us.

"Dewek you bwottew?" Eleanor asks Amelia.

"He is. But he, my mom and my big sisters don't want to be my family anymore." Amelia explained, referring to how the Shepherds, minus her father disowned her.

"Whewe you daddy?" Eleanor asked Amelia who frowned at the mention of Christopher Shepherd.

"My daddy went to heaven when I was a little girl and because of that, I made bad decisions. But I'm talking to someone about my problems, so I don't make those decisions again." Amelia explained to Eleanor, who immediately runs over to hug her.

"You daddy wit me Nana and tey look aftew us. Me you family too, so no be sad." Eleanor tells Amelia, who hugged Eleanor back.

"You are such a sweet girl angel." Amelia says with a smile when Sam Bennett and Violet Turner entered the office.

"This is a lovely surprise. Who's this little girl?" Violet asks us.

"Violet, Sam, this is my niece Eleanor Grey. Eleanor, these are my other friends Sam Bennett and Violet Turner."

"Violet, do you mind watching Eleanor for me? Emily and I have to talk to Sam."

"Of course. Eleanor, you can see the ocean from my office." Violet tells Eleanor who has a big smile on her face and runs over to Violet. The two of them leave the office and I turned to Sam.

"Idiot. You divorced Naomi?" Emily says to Sam before slapping him across the head.

"Look, just mind your own business." Sam tells Emily who shakes her head.

"Bloody wanker! She's Addison's best friend and a big sister to me! Did you cheat on her?" Emily asked him.

"Yeah did you?"

"No I didn't. The marriage just didn't work." Sam tells us.

"Have you tried going to marriage counselling?"

"No." Sam replied.

"Go do that before totally destroying your relationship for good." Emily tells both Sam and Naomi.


Eleanor's POV

"So Eleanor, what do you like to do?" Auntie Violet asks me while I sit on her couch, swinging my legs back and forth.

"Dwaw, play wit me puppy Winnie, make cookies wit Mama, Auntie Addie and Auntie Mewwy."

"That's wonderful sweetheart. Do you know what kind of doctor I am?" Auntie Violet asked me with a smile on her face.

"Talking doctow like Auntie Emily. Auntie Emily 'elp me wit me feelings." A man entered Auntie Violet's office and I looked up at him.

"Eleanor, this is my friend Cooper Freedman and he's a doctor for children like you. Cooper, this is Eleanor Grey, Meredith's and Addison's niece." Auntie Violet says and I wave to Uncle Cooper.

"What happened this time Cooper?" Auntie Violet asked Uncle Cooper.

"I met a girl at a bar... on the Internet... and she borrowed my car." Uncle Cooper tells Auntie Violet, who sighs in response.

"Cooper, did you file a police report?" Auntie Violet asks Uncle Cooper.

"She might bring the car back. She was gorgeous and hot and she..." Uncle Cooper says, making me give him a confused look.

"Uncle Coopew, did giwl ask you fow you caw?"

"The girls your Uncle Cooper are interested in just want to take his things. He always brings them back home to kiss and then they steal from him afterwards." Auntie Violet tells me and I immediately pouted.

"Mama telled me tat taking tings fwom ottew peoples not nice. You need nice giwl who no take tings fwom you."

"She's two and knows that they're using you Cooper." Auntie Violet tells Uncle Cooper before handing me a sippy cup of apple juice.


Lexie's POV

"Hi little butterfly! How's your vacation going?" I said into the phone with a smile on my face. After losing my patient earlier today, hearing Eleanor's voice was truly a blessing.

"Good Mama. Me go swimming in ocean wit fishies!" Eleanor replied and I could sense the smile on her face.

"Your Auntie Merry's working tonight but she wants me to say hi to you. Winnie is keeping me company on my bed."

"You come next time Mama. Evewybody nice to me and gived me tweats." Eleanor declares to me.

"I will little butterfly and you can show me how you swim with the fishes."

"Mama, Auntie Addie telled me tat it me nap time. Me talk to you latew Mama. Me love you Mama." Eleanor tells me and I couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too little butterfly. I will talk to you later sweetheart." I responded before hanging up the phone.

"It's just the two of us for now Winnie." Winnie barks in response before laying her head on my lap.

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