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Meredith's POV

"What happened?"

"Thatcher said that she fell and hit her head, but I don't believe it." Alex says while we wait for Eleanor's MRI results. Addison was with us but paged Cristina to bring Lexie here. George was keeping Thatcher company and trying to get him to sober up. Lexie entered the room with Derek following right behind her.

"Oh my God! Eleanor!" Lexie cried while I placed my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"She has a brain bleed Meredith. You don't get that from a fall." Addison says and I nodded in agreement.

"Her left arm's broken. I'll go get Callie." Alex says before leaving and I turned to face Lexie. Dr. Calliope Torres is one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the country and our friend.

"What are Eleanor's medical conditions?"

"She has autism, auditory and sensory processing disorders, asthma and type one diabetes. That little insulin pump puts the insulin in her body. She also uses an inhaler when needed, more often in the colder months." Lexie says when Calle enters the room while I see George and another intern taking Eleanor out of the room.

"I'll go scrub with Derek and Callie. Lexie, Meredith's going to be informed of Eleanor's condition and text you. That way you can do your shift and be informed." Addison explained to Lexie before she, Derek and Callie all leave the room.

"Thatcher is an alcoholic. If it was a year ago, I would have said that he wouldn't hurt Eleanor, but ever since Mom died things have changed. I can't afford a house for the two of us or daycare." Lexie tells me with tears in her eyes.

"You and Eleanor can live with me. My home has more than enough rooms. Lexie, I'm sorry that I was a bit rude earlier today. Thatcher and I don't have the best relationship, actually we don't have one at all. He left me when I was younger and never tried to get in touch with me. I was jealous of your relationship with him."

"I shouldn't have blurted it out during an emergency, so that's on me. I want to know you, not just for my sake but for Eleanor's. Molly doesn't like Eleanor because of her autism and won't allow her around Laura. To his credit, Eric tries to have a relationship with my daughter. I just want Eleanor to know that she has an aunt that loves her. I should go before Cristina kills me." Lexie says before leaving the room.

Lexie's POV

"Excuse me." Cristina looks up from her files and sees the files I had in my hands. She takes them from me and looks them over.

"You know, where have you been? I've been waiting for these." Cristina asked me.

"My daughter Eleanor has been admitted into the hospital and I was just giving Meredith, Eleanor's medical information."

"I believe George told me about that. Try to finish your shift but if you can't, I won't hold it against you. Regardless, we have to page Dr. Shepherd." Cristina says and I page him.

"I believe he's operating on Eleanor's brain, but I paged him anyways." Cristina nods when Derek walks over to us.

"You're wanted for a consult Dr. Shepherd." Derek nods before following Cristina and I into a trauma viewing room.

"Back of his skull is completely disconnected from his first cervical vertebrae."  Derek says while looking at an MRI of the man's brain.

"He's been internally decapitated. Holy crap." Cristina says with wide eyes.

"Yeah, 90% of these die in the field." Derek says, causing me to frown.

"And the other 10%?"

"I've never seen one live." Derek responded while looking at me, his ice cold blue eyes staring into my soul. They're not like Eleanor's blue eyes, which are always filled with warmth and light.

Butterfly Kisses(Grey's Anatomy Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя