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Meredith's POV

Eleanor was still laying on the ground screaming in pain and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to pick her up on the off chance that it hurts her more. A redhead man in a military uniform picked Eleanor up and we headed into the hospital. Eleanor was still screaming when Cristina came back with Dr. Bailey.

"Mama! Me want Mama!" Eleanor screamed with tears in her eyes while the man placed her on the bed.

"Put this on a monitor, a portable radio application I'll cut above!"

"That's between 9th and 10th intercostal space No hemo or pneumothorax. Eleanor's vitals are stable but we should give her something for the pain." Cristina says before putting the monitor on Eleanor.

"I would not..." The man tries to say.

"Mind your own business!" Cristina snapped at him, causing me to look at her.

"Who is this guy?"

"A guy I met at Joe's." Cristina responded when Richard entered the room and his eyes widened.

"Dear God!" Richard says while Dr. Bailey puts an IV in Eleanor's arm.

"Grey, what do you recommend as a treatment?" Richard asks me.

"I think we should expect for the radio! But with regard to infection? This thing could infect her with water from the roof which has entered the body!"

"That's why we need to remove it!" The man says before removing the icicle from Eleanor's body, but a piece of it was still lodged in there and Eleanor codes on the bed. Cristina and Dr. Bailey both revive Eleanor before wheeling her into surgery.

"Don't touch my niece ever again." I tell the redhead before going to find Lexie and Mark.


Lexie's POV

"Who the hell is that man?"

"Major Owen Hunt, who's a trauma surgeon in the army." Mark replied while we watched Eleanor asleep in her hospital room. They were able to remove the broken icicle, but they also had to take my daughter's spleen and repair a hole in her heart. Also because of Eleanor's asthma, she has bronchitis. She also broke her left arm once again and I know that she's going to be bummed when she learns about this.

"This isn't Iraq. There's procedures that need to be followed, especially when it comes to a diabetic child!" A man in an army uniform walked over to us and I see that his name read Owen Hunt.

"I'm glad she's okay." Owen says before I tackled him to the ground and proceeded to punch him.

"You harmed my daughter when you pulled the icicle out of her body! She has no fucking spleen because of you! She had to have heart surgery because a piece of the icicle lodged into her heart! You may be a major in the army, but here you're a surgeon that has to follow the rules. So do me a favour Owen and stay away from my daughter or so help me God, I'll have your medical licence." Standing back up, I walked back over to Mark and he wraps an arm around my waist.

"It's Major Hunt to you!" Owen says and I chuckled in response.

"You haven't earned it with us Hunt. Harming our daughter doesn't earn you anything from us at Grey-Sloan. Eleanor is the daughter of two brilliant doctors and the niece of two brilliant doctors, making her family to most of the staff here. So you won't get the respect you want because you harmed our family and trust me, we'll make sure you regret it." Mark tells Owen when Eleanor's eyes open and we rush over to her bedside.

"Mama, Daddy, you hewe!" Eleanor tells us with a smile on her face. How do we tell Eleanor that she has no spleen? Do we wait until she's older to tell her or just come out and say it?

"We are sunshine." Mark tells Eleanor, who looks over at Owen and sees him standing at the door.

"Mama, me no want bad man hewe!" Eleanor says, referring to Owen with tears in her eyes.

"The bad man is leaving right now little butterfly." I tell Eleanor while glaring at Owen.

"I'm Owen Hunt, not bad man." Owen tells Eleanor.

"You huwted me! Go away bad man Owen!" Eleanor yelled with tears streaming down her face, causing Mark to walk over to Owen and drag him out of the room.

"Mama me tiwsty." Eleanor says and I place a cup of water with a straw in it to her lips.

"Your Uncle Eric said that they're coming over next week to see you." Had to do a lot of convincing with Molly, but Eric eventually got her to take the trip here.

"Auntie Mewwy and Auntie Tina okay?" Eleanor asked me with a look of concern on her face.

"They're okay sweetie. They're just working right now, but will be here to see you later." Eleanor smiled before closing her eyes and falls back asleep.

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