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Eleanor's POV

Nobody's here in my room with me because they're working and I'm bored. Climbing down from my bed, I run out of my hospital room and keep running until I come across a room with an old man inside. He seems sad...maybe I can make him feel happy. Entering the room, I walked over the man's bed and give him a smile.

"Well isn't this a lovely surprise. What's your name little lady?"

"Me Eleanow Gwey. Wat you name?"

"Charlie Yost. Is your mother Meredith Grey?" Charlie asked me.

"No. Auntie Mewwy me auntie. Me Mama is Auntie Mewwy sissy Lexie."

"Well I knew you were related to Meredith because you two have the same eyes. Now let me guess, you got bored of being in your room so you decided to go on an adventure. Am I right?" Charlie replied with a smile on his face.

"Yes Cawlie. Why you know tat?"

"I went on adventures when I was your age. That's how I got my lucky necklace. I'm older now so I can't use it anymore, but you can." Charlie says before handing me his necklace and I look up at him.

"Tank you." Izzie runs into the room and grabs my arm, squeezing it really tight.

"Hey retard, get out of here! You're making Charlie sick with your baby germs!" Izzie screams in my face before I run out of the room and bump into Nurse Olivia Jankovic. Olivia was really nice to me and would read me stories or play games with me when I'm alone in my hospital room.

"Eleanor, everyone's been looking for you. What happened to your hand? There's a nasty bruise on it." Olivia says before bending down to my level.

"Izzie huwted me hand. Me see Cawlie. Izzie scweamed in me eaws and telled me tat me make Cawlie sick wit me baby gewms." I tell Olivia while pointing to Charlie's room.

"You're not making him sick and she shouldn't have done that to you. Now let's go find your Mama." Olivia said before standing back up and picked me up.

Lexie's POV

"Hey, I'm filling in for Cristina. So how's it going? " Meredith asks me while I'm writing in a patient's chart.

"I pulled a splinter out of a guy's toe, and now I'm writing about it. Have they found Eleanor yet?"

"Olivia found Eleanor and took her to get food after seeing that her blood sugar was low. They should be here in a few minutes." Meredith explained when Olivia entered the clinic with my daughter in her arms.

"I was so worried about you little butterfly." Olivia hands Eleanor to me and I noticed the forming bruise on her right hand.

"Sowwy Mama. Me goed on 'ventuwe. Me meet Cawlie." Eleanor explained before Meredith and I looked over at Olivia for an explanation.

"Charlie Yost. Also Izzie was the one who put the bruise on Eleanor." Olivia explained to us and I could feel the anger brewing inside me.

"Izzie huwted me hand. Izzie scweamed in me eaws and telled me tat me make Cawlie sick wit me baby gewms." Eleanor explained to us and I hugged her tight.

"Mama is going to talk to Izzie. It's not okay for her to hurt you like this."

"Was Charlie nice to you?" Meredith asked Eleanor who nodded with a smile before showing us an army tag necklace.

"He gave that to Eleanor. Told her that it was his lucky necklace." Olivia says when her pager beeped and she runs out of the clinic. Cristina and Izzie both entered the clinic and I give Izzie a glare.

"You hurt my daughter Isobel Stevens! The only reason I'm not hitting you right now is because I don't want Eleanor to be exposed to that."

"Geez Izzie. I don't like kids but I don't put a massive bruise on their hands." Cristina said while examining Eleanor's hand.

"You no like me Tina?" Eleanor asked Cristina with a pout on her face.

"No she doesn't retard." Izzie says, causing me to 'accidentally' step on her foot.

"Ow!" Izzie shouts while glaring at me and I give her a fake smile.

"Oops. You should really watch what you say and where you're going."

"Izzie is lying Eleanor. I like you very much, I pinky promise." Cristina tells Eleanor before they locked pinkies.

Meredith's POV

"Eleanor, do you remember Charlie?" Charlie Yost died an hour ago and I had to tell Eleanor, especially because she's talking about going to see him tomorrow.

"Yes me membew Auntie Mewwy. Wat wong?" Eleanor asked me with a concerned expression on her face.

"Eleanor, Charlie went to the angels today." Eleanor pouts and tears started to appear in her eyes, causing my heart to break. Izzie stormed into Eleanor's hospital room and walked over to us with a glare on her face.

"Eleanor, you killed Charlie with your baby germs!" Izzie shouted, causing Eleanor to start crying.

"Get the fuck out of our niece's hospital room." Addison says to Izzie upon entering the room and walks over to us.

"It's true! If Eleanor didn't go see him, he would still be alive!" Izzie says before storming off and I start to rock Eleanor.

"Me make Cawlie go to angels. Auntie Molly telled me tat me do tat to Nana. Me vewy bad giwl." Eleanor cried and I couldn't help the anger that I felt towards Molly. She's a mother for fuck sakes! What kind of a mother and aunt says those things?! Izzie, I get because she's a bitch, but believe me I'm pissed at her too.

"Little one, you are a very good girl. You didn't hurt your Nana or Charlie. They were very sick and the angels took them so they could no longer be sick." Addison explained to Eleanor, who stopped crying but was still sniffing.

"Weally?" Eleanor asked us while I wiped the tears off her face.

"Of course. Nana and Charlie are keeping an eye on you, to make sure you're safe. Your Nana helped you and your Mama find us so we can be a family. You have Charlie's lucky necklace that will keep you safe."

"Nana keep you safe too Auntie Mewwy." Eleanor said before hugging me and I hugged her back.

Butterfly Kisses(Grey's Anatomy Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora