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Victoria was very much regretting coming to this stupid back to school party in the woods. She'd barely had two drinks before Tyler was dragging her off into the woods.

"No, Ty," Victoria said firmly, pushing her hands against his chest to create some distance. "I'm not having sex against a tree."

"Oh, come on, it would be hot." Tyler smirked, pulling her close again.

"For who?" Victoria scoffed, but panic had begun to flutter in her stomach so it didn't come out as firmly as she had hoped. "No, it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, not here, not like this. No. I said no. I said no! Ow, that hurts!"

"Hey, leave her alone!"

Victoria almost sagged in relief when she heard Jeremy's voice.

"You know, you're starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert." Tyler practically growled.

Tyler began to advance towards Jeremy so Victoria quickly flung herself between them, shouting harshly, "Just go, Tyler! Get the hell away from me!"

Tyler looked her up and down with a scoff, "Wow. Vicki Donovan says no. That's a first."


Victoria wondered if Tyler got some kind of satisfaction by seeing unshed tears shining in her eyes. He didn't bother to comfort her, or take back what he said, instead he turned around and stormed off.

An awkward silence fell over the younger duo as the reality of the situation set in.

"I didn't need your help." Victoria sniffed, rubbing her nose slightly.

"It seems like you did." Jeremy countered.

"He was just drunk." She shook her head. She couldn't tell if she was assuring Jeremy or herself.

"I'm drunk. Am I throwing myself at you?"

Victoria just wanted to reply 'no', but like always she had to say things she didn't mean when people got to close to her, "No, you're worse. You want to talk to me, get to know me, see into my soul and screw and screw and screw until you're done with me."

Victoria avoided looking at Jeremy, knowing that his face showed just how hurt he was by her words.

"Is that what you think?" He asked quietly.

Squeezing her eyes shut, knowing the damage was already done, she whispered, "That's what I know."

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Victoria had left Jeremy stunned in the woods, walking away from him so she could break down in private.

She'd been walking absent-mindedly and when she glanced around, she realised she couldn't actually tell where she was.

Fear began building up inside her and her head snapped up as she heard what sounded like twigs snapping. She frowned slightly and looked around.

"Tyler?" Victoria called out, wondering if he'd followed her to continue what he'd started.

There was no reply.

"Jeremy, is that you?" Victoria tried again, her voice shaking.

Still no reply.

Victoria was finding it hard to focus in the dark, and couldn't make out where the sound was coming from.

"Come on, this isn't funny!" Victoria whined, her fear making her defensive.

Stupidly, she moved towards the noise.

Out of nowhere, fog descended around the her.

Victoria frantically looked around in confusion, before locking eyes with a figure.

In a second, the figure, no, man, had grabbed her.

Her arms were pinned to her side as she was forced to look into his eyes.

She barely had time to register what was happening before he plunged his set of fangs into her neck.

Every ounce of confusion and shock was converted into excruciating pain as she felt blood spill from her neck.

Victoria screamed, her voice breaking, but she hoped it was enough for someone to hear her.

She wished she didn't walk away from Jeremy, and hoped that he'd stayed near just like he always did when they fought.

Jeremy wasn't the type of person to finish the day on a bad note with her, and he knew Victoria just needed a minute to herself to cool off and come to terms with everything.

Fighting the tiredness she felt, she looked around for Jeremy, but couldn't see him.

Closing her eyes in resignation, her body quickly shut down, whether it be from shock or blood loss, she wasn't sure.

Tears spilled over her cheeks, but the pain never seemed to end, even when her body hit the dirt.

Maybe it was better this way. She wouldn't be able to hurt anyone anymore. 

KISSED A GIRL, the vampire diariesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu