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"So, that new guy? He was totally making goo-goo eyes at Elena in History." Quinn reported sulkily, a pout on her face as she walked with Bonnie and Caroline to find a seat at the Grill after school.

"Stefan Salvatore?" Caroline asked, making Quinn nod.

"Yeah, the bathroom guy." Quinn explained, having already told both girls the story of Elena's adorable awkwardness.

"Well I heard that he lives with his uncle at the old Salvatore Boarding House. He hasn't lived in Mystic Falls since he was a kid - military family, so they moved around a lot. He's a Gemini and his favourite colour is blue." Caroline rattled off.

Quinn blinked, "Uh, well, good for him?"

Bonnie spluttered, "You got all that in one day?"

Caroline scoffed indignantly, "Please, I got that all between third and forth period," she sighed dreamily, "We're planning a June wedding."

"Good! I'll play match maker for you two and maybe he'll get the message." Quinn huffed.

Caroline snorted, "Just tell him Elena's a lesbian, problem solved."

Quinn shoved her gently, "I shouldn't have to, he should just be able to take the hint! I am not having a repeat of the situation with my brother."

Bonnie rubbed Quinn's arm comfortingly as the girl pouted.

"So what is this I hear about a certain Bonnie Bennett being on the market?" Caroline teased, causing Bonnie to groan and dive into an empty booth to avoid answering.

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Quinn was sipping on her lemonade when her twin, Matt, approached them.

"Hey, guys," He greeted awkwardly. "How's Elena doing?"

"Her parents have just died, Matt," Bonnie retorted, unimpressed, "How do you think? She's putting on a brave face, but it's only been four months."

"Has she said anything about me?" Matt continued.

"No, Matthew, she hasn't." Quinn replied sourly. He was beginning to get on her nerves.

"You haven't called her?" Bonnie asked incredulously. "Listen, we're not getting in the middle. You want things to go back to normal? You pick up the phone and call her!"

Matt shifted his weight from foot to foot, "I feel weird calling her, she broke up with me."

"She didn't break up with you, Matthew, because you were never dating." Quinn seethed.

Bonnie was thankful when the conversation was interrupted by Elena entering the Grill with Stefan Salvatore.

Matt looked at Bonnie sadly, ignoring his sister, "Looks like she's already moving on."

Quinn wanted to punch him.

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Caroline had quite literally jumped at the opportunity to have Stefan join their table so she could grill him for gossip.

She wasted no time jumping in with questions she supposedly already knew the answer too, "So, you were born in Mystic Falls?"

"Yeah, I moved when I was still young." Stefan replied to Caroline's question.

"Parents?" Bonnie questioned.

Stefan paused briefly before replying, "My parents passed away."

Elena looked at him sadly, "I'm so sorry. Any siblings?"

"None that I talk to," Stefan began, but Quinn interrupted him while glaring at Matt, "Oh, you're lucky!"

He seemed amused at her response and continued, "I live with my uncle."

The table quietened for a moment and Caroline used the opportunity to jump in again, "So, Stefan! If you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow."

When Stefan looked confused, Bonnie explained, "It's a back-to-school thing at the Falls."

Quinn gave Caroline a look as Stefan continued to gaze at Elena, asking her, "Are you going?"

"Of course she is!" Caroline supplied, a strange twinkle in her eye. "She's gotta show that she's finally off the market."

The shy smile fell from his face, "I'm sorry?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" Caroline continued, ignoring the kick that Bonnie gave her under the table. "Yeah, Elena and Quinn are totally dating. Have been for ages now, but in secret. It's been like a forbidden lovers story, 'cause the town is so..."

Caroline trailed off and Bonnie continued for her, supplying, "Homophobic? Racist?"

Caroline, Quinn and Elena all nodded in agreement, "Yeah, any of those will do."

There was an uncomfortable silence, so Quinn jokingly added, "And there's the fact that she's a Founding Family."

Bonnie groaned, "Uh, yeah! Quinn's had so much shit for 'corrupting' a founding family member."

Caroline nodded along, "The Town never wants to acknowledge the Donovans until they bring the town some of the best athletes the school has ever seen. Matt's on the football team and Quinn is our star cheerleader."

"No, Care. You're the star cheerleader, thats why you're captain," Quinn corrected. "I just don't mind being thrown in the air and possibly falling on my face."

"Do you play football, Stefan?" Bonnie asked, attempting to bring the embarrassed boy back into the conversation.

"Uh," Stefan blinked. "Yeah, back when I was younger."

Caroline eyed him up, "You look like you'd be a good player. You should join our team! We totally need you."

Both Elena and Quinn could breathe a little easier when the attention was taken of them.

Quinn felt a little bad for Stefan being embarrassed but at the same time she was smug, because Elena had chosen her.

Of all the people in Mystic Falls, the golden girl Elena Gilbert had chosen her.

It was nice to be wanted.

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