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Quinn Donovan was having about as much fun at this party as Jeremy Gilbert was.

Quinn watched how Stefan kept his eyes on Elena all night, the alcohol in her system not making her feel any better.

Jeremy had stormed back towards the party to grab another drink while he waiting for Victoria to cool off.

He knew she didn't like people seeing her cry and she always snapped at people when she was hurt.

He also knew her well enough to know she never really meant it, which is why he was heading back into the woods to find her and bring her back to the party. 

Unfortunately for him, his older sister had caught sight of him.

"Jeremy!" Elena called out. "Jeremy! Jeremy, where the hell are you going?"

"I don't want to hear it!" Jeremy snapped.

"Yeah, well, too bad!" Elena retorted, following him into the woods with Quinn not far behind.

Jeremy turned to snap at her again, but stumbled over something.

Landing in a heap on the ground, he scrambled up to compose himself.

Looking down at what he'd tripped on, he saw Vicki Donovan's pale body, blood leaking from a nasty wound on her neck.

"Vicki? No!" Jeremy gasped.

"Oh my god, Vicki!" Quinn cried out, dropping to her knees next to her baby sister.

"Oh my god." Elena looked terrified, moving towards them as Jeremy's shaking hand reached down to check for a pulse.

As Jeremy touched the skin near the painful wound, Victoria gasped out in agony.

Her eyes flashed open, vaguely recognising Jeremy.

It was unfamiliar for Victoria to feel safe, but around Jeremy it just seemed to happen naturally.

So when another wave of pain washed over her, she didn't fight the darkness that followed. 

Jeremy watched as Victoria fell back into unconsciousness, reaching down and picking her up just as Elena had instructed. 

"Somebody help!" Elena shouted, running ahead of Jeremy with Quinn to alert the others.

A crowd began to form as Jeremy carried Vicroria's limp body out of the woods.

"Vicki?" Matt whispered in shock, instantly recognising his baby sister. "Vicki, what the hell?"

His tone was urgent and he swiftly made his way towards his unconscious sister.

"What happened to her?" Tyler demanded as he stood behind Matt.

"Somebody call an ambulance!" Matt yelled, ignoring Tyler as his worried gaze refocused on Victoria.

Tyler was shoved forwards by the surging crowd, almost knocking into Quinn who was gently moving Victoria's hair away from her bleeding neck.

Realising he could have jolted Quinn and further hurt Victoria, Tyler turned around and growled, "Everyone back up, give her some space!"

"It's her neck!" Elena exclaimed worriedly. "Something bit her. She's losing a lot of blood."

"Vicki. Vicki, come on," Matt pleaded desperately as he looked down at his baby sister, "Open your eyes, look at me."

Quinn ignored the frantic chatter around her as she focused on her sister.

Reaching out, she moved her hair from the unwounded side of her neck and tried to focus on finding a pulse.

She sighed in relief as she felt one beneath her finger tips, "Matt, she still has a pulse. It's slow, but it's there."

"Where is that ambulance?!" Matt bellowed to no one in particular.

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Not long later, Victoria was taken away in an ambulance, her older siblings by her side.

Jeremy had tried to sneak in, but was caught by Elena.

Elena had lost sight of him for a moment after that, put quickly spotted him with a beer bottle in hand.

"You okay? I called Jenna, she's on her way..." Elena began, but Jeremy ignored her. "Those people in uniforms? Last time I checked, they're the police. People are going to stop giving you breaks, Jer. They just don't care anymore. They don't remember that our parents are dead, because they've got their own lives to deal with. The rest of the world has moved on. You should try, too."

"I've seen you in the cemetery, writing in your diary. Is that supposed to be you moving on?" Jeremy scoffed.

Elena looked away guiltily, "Mom and Dad wouldn't have wanted this."

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