Brake and Full January log.

51 23 2

Ovalsan's log: Now that am out of cryo sleep from the years I think I would and put some entries that I've read and washed during a break.

Book file entry one: Dragon Age the world of Thedas Volume one

Now after watching Dragon age Absolution I thought I would look up the Dragon Age world of Thedas at the library and Reserve the first volume wow I was picking up some DVDs also hello it did have confirmations on some facts that's been in the series so far but the on blood magic really intrigued me on how dangerous it can be no matter who use it I first heard of blood magic in Once Upon a Time is to be kind of like a thumbprint scan it was nothing like what I know at the time blood bending from avatar Last Airbender where waterbenders can on the full moon waterbed at a cellular level can bend anyone or anything, during the Legend of Korra era one of the two main villains of the first but can blood Bend without the full moon and what if blood magic can wheel those that are not from Theda like say those are of middle and oil or with means that can only be used on who to bend one in fact I thought of the original story of a blood threading idea you may say, last thing to say on the book for now is that the law of the world is really deep for anyone unless one is well experience with the game serious that is.

Footnote: The Barbie movie teaser?

Now how to explain what look like a parody of beginning of 2001 Space Odyssey, the truth is I can't on this other than say ah someone send this to the SOL!

(Vote if you want me to do a comment track script when this weird movie comes out on DVD.)

New file entry one: Sonic prime

Okay this here is the 6th Sonic series so far inside Prime is doing what Spider-Man first did all those years ago with this newest one with it being a two-parter, with Sonic accident shattering the Paradox prism it ends up creating the shatter verse with so far a dystopian world ruled by the chaos Council don't know if they'll be the only villains in the series until Eggman Prime comes into play seemingly near the end of a series because accounts himself look like different size of his personality and has the red shard with the green bean in the jungle world and the blue the pirate world so where is the yellow one?

Well the only two that can be in is a fancy world and a Sci-Fi world but the biggest thing I find it doesn't missed opportunity to put in the shadow worlds are known Sega IP's like Golden axe nights into dreams and Space Channel 5 which those could fit in the fancy and sci-fi theme even as backdoor Pilots at best in fact it's not the first time Sonic done something like this with Mega Man oh yeah this is a completely missed opportunity.

DVD file entry one: Bluey season one and two

Now Bluey is really a better influence on the other prequel shows because her folks being part of each episode unlike those that were almost not with those in places that they can get hurt or to them at least.

Nick archive note: the adventures of Jimmy Neutron boy Genius.

Now where ever I look back on Jimmy Neutron Buffett series and the movie I wondered by the end of a series did retroville became more and more sheepish well after a few unpredictable Miss house by Jimmy Neutron and other things that are outside of his control like Sheen's impulsiveness and Carl's can't tell the difference between right and left and perhaps color blind and Bulbi being so questionable I wonder if retroville is why they put the stupid so they can't do any harm to the rest of the world even though they seem to be in Texas, Cindy Vortex had in some way almost turned all of retroville into her blind followers they don't know it at all.

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