Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Jin was very disappointed with Jungkook, he felt betrayed all this time with his sweet words. Jin gave it his all, loving him with all his heart. But why does it always end the same as the previous story?


Jungkook woke up when he heard his alarm going off. He opened his eyes, he was sleeping very soundly and saw Jin was no longer beside him. But he saw Jin's clothes and bag in the room, that means Jin was still there. Jungkook got up from the bed and opened his phone. He saw that there were several incoming messages.

After showering and getting ready, he came out and saw Jin in the kitchen, he was making breakfast, only in his eversized t-shirt.

"Morning" Jin greeted him with a smile.

"Morning baby" Jungkook walked up to him and kissed Jin on both cheeks.

"Did you pick up my phone last night?" Jungkook said and Jin nodded.

"You said I could pick it up"

"What? Did I say that? I don't remember".

"Yeah, but I didn't hear anything, so I hung up the phone and went back to sleep, what's wrong?"

"Ahh nothing, looks like it's spam, I saw some incoming messages from unknown numbers"

"You don't know who texted you?"


"Ahh then just block that number, maybe it's just spam" Jin just smiled at Jungkook.


The two of them came together to the office, when they got to the parking lot, Jin released his seat belt. He turned towards Jungkook.

"Why? Why are you looking at me like that?" Jungkook said.

"I love you Jungkook"

"I love you too" Jungkook kissed Jin's lips tenderly.

"Do you have plans tonight?"

"What is it?"

"stay at my house"


"I have something, you will definitely like it"

"What's that?"

"Something you always ask of me, but I'm always embarrassed to wear it"

"Jin.. are you serious?" Jin nodded.

"So you want to stay at my house right?" Jin said

"But I already have an appointment with my friend tonight"

"Hmm okay" Jin nodded and they got out of the car.


Jin felt he had to find out first who the man who had called Jungkook last night, his voice was very familiar to Jin's ears. He was sure it wasn't spam, it was so obvious the man had mentioned Jungkook's name. That guy also told Jungkook to come over to his house tonight and Jungkook also said he had an appointment with his friend, isn't that weird?

While working, Jin saw Jungkook pass in front of his room, visible through the window. He had a file in his hand, and headed towards the copy room. Jin's options were only two in his head at that time, make him stop meeting the man, or let him go. But at that time Jin's heart chose the first option. He is still stubborn to maintain their relationship in the hope that whatever problem they can fix together.

So Jin came out and approached Jungkook to the copy room. The door wasn't closed, and as he approached he heard Jimin's voice inside the room. It wasn't clear what they were talking about but it wasn't long before Jimin came out. He was quite surprised to see Jin not far from the room.

"Hey Jin, do you want to copy too? I think the copier is a little problematic" Jimin said.


"What is it?"

"Is Jungkook in there?" Jimin nodded.

"I forgot, I want to say something to him, I'll go inside first okay" Jin said and passed Jimin.

He entered the copy room and saw Jungkook who was standing in front of the copier, wiping his lips. Jin closed the door and walked over to Jungkook. Jungkook who heard the door closed turned his head and smiled when he saw Jin approaching.

"Hey, are you--" Jin immediately kissed Jungkook's lips and pushed him slightly so he leaned against the copier.


"I want you" Jin put his hands around Jungkook's neck and continued to lead the kiss. Jungkook replied. But not long after Jungkook broke the kiss and turned to the window.

"Jin we can't do it here, they can see us, if we make out here"

"Come to my house, after you meet your friend"


"Don't you want me?" Jin stared at Jungkook's eyes with his hands that started to feel Jungkook's body.

"Jin, it's not you, what happened?"

"You always wanted me to be like this right?"

"Yes, but--"

"I'm waiting for you, with your favorite black one" Jin whispered in Jungkook's ear and looked back at him.

"Jin.." Jungkook just smiled and when Jin was about to leave, Jungkook held him back.

"Hey, you made my junior wake up"

"Hmm? I said come to my house after you meet your friends, I'll give something for your juniors" Jin pulled his hand and came out.

"Fuckkk.. why is he like that? He drives me crazy" Jungkook just smirked watching Jin walk away.

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