Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
(Short Chapter)


When he arrived at the hotel, Jin looked at his phone, he saw lots of missed calls from Jungkook and messages from him. Not only him but Jimin also called him. He thought what Taehyung said was true. So he called Jungkook. Jungkook didn't pick up the phone right away.

"Jin, I'm sorry, I was outside and didn't hear any incoming calls from you" Jungkook said.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at home, but my friends are in the living room"

"You didn't take your phone with you?"

"I was in a rush to open the door for him so I didn't take my phone with me, have you arrived at the hotel yet?"


"Jin, I'm sorry, I know I wronged you, but don't be like this to me, don't ignoring me, please"

"I just need time"

"For what?"

"To convince myself again"

"What do you mean?"

"I feel that there is no meaning in your eyes now, something new is distracting you from me, your friends. Where have they been? During the 5 years we have been together, they have never bothered us."

"Why do you talk like that about my friend?"

"Am I wrong?"

"You called me just to discuss this matter?"

"I didn't want to contact you, but I wanted to confirm something and my guess was right"

"You accuse me?"

"No, I just guessed it and it's true"

"About what?"

"You have fun with your friends"

"Is it hard to believe me?"

"Yes, you should know that I find it difficult to trust other people after my ex cheated on me and now you are doing things that make me believe in my own suspicions"

"But I'm not your ex"

"Who knows? Maybe you're just another version of him"

"You accuse me of cheating on you?"


"Then what do you mean?"

"Jungkook, do you really love me?"

"Of course, I love you, how many times must I say it?"

"I love you too, I give everything I have for you, only for you with full confidence that you can take good care of it. I just want our time together to repeat itself. When you only see me, no one else. When you can't be far from me. I miss those times. Can you give me that time again? Or should I give in again like I told you before?"

"Jin.. I don't want any problems between us. I don't want to lose you, I love you so much, I promise I will spend more time with you, I promise"

"Don't promise something you can't keep, Jungkook. I have to go. Happy anniversary, I love you." Jin hung up the phone.

Jin felt something strange inside him. He knew Jungkook was hiding something from him. His behavior was the same as his ex at that time. But why did he only realize after Taehyung said everything? Had his eyes been blind by love all this time?

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