Chapter 25

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A/N: not a pretty fun chapter, sadly neither a long chapter, but it's an important one.

Aaaand... if everything goes as I planned... we'll have our very first smut chapter in three more chapters (ch 28 to be more specific) and I. CAN'T. WAIT.

Happy reading everyone!!

TW: mentions of addiction, substance abuse.


Clicking on the last answer, I leaned back as I deflated my lungs in relief.

After two long days and a shit ton of hours, I was finally done with the last step of the USMLE.

The hospital gave each one of us a room where we could sit in front of a laptop and do the test online. Now, come to think of it, anyone would think it was the perfect opportunity to cheat since we were by ourselves, but the USMLE had its own high surveillance system where they record you with the laptop camera on whilst you're doing the test and scan your face features.

Pretty sure I looked like a statue as I answered the gazillion questions.

I gathered my things and stood up, walking to the door so I could get the hell out of there and go straight home to rest. Before I could reach the doorknob, my phone went off and when I checked the screen, the relief dissipated immediately and my heart dropped.

Isabella Montt: meet me at my office.

A bunch of questions twirled inside my head, wondering what did I do wrong lately. It would be the first time in so long since she had summoned me to her office, and the first time I had seen her since the night she left me with the wound on my back. Sure, from time to time, we'd bump into each other at the hospital while I was doing my shifts, but I was quick to run the other way or pretend I was busy with a patient.

The thought of being alone with her made my blood run cold.

Swallowing my fear, I texted back: "On my way."

When I was about to turn off my phone, I caught another text message from a person I didn't expect to hear from. It was sent a couple of minutes ago.

Harry: How did it go?

The dread left my body almost immediately and I couldn't help the smile on my face as I typed out an answer.

Me: It was brutal, but I think I nailed it.

Three dots appeared as I opened the door and walked out of the room, heading to my aunt's office.

Harry: Don't jinx it yet. You don't want to get your hopes up.

Me: Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.

Harry: Just being realistic. But I'm sure you did great.

My heart made a weird flutter at his words and warmth filled my chest.

Me: Thank you. For helping me and everything.

Harry: It is my duty as a teacher to help my students become the best in the field.

Harry: I'm guessing you have plans for tonight.

I almost tripped over with my own feet. I mean, I did have something planned with the rest of the residents, but why was he asking?

Me: I do. Meeting at Hunter's with everyone to drink and play some games and celebrate we're done with this stupid test.

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