Chapter 5

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I didn't even bother to check on the list as I walked past the changing room where I gained confused looks from my classmates. The information I had was still fresh on my mind from thinking it over and over again throughout the entire night. Any person who'd look at me right now would think that I had cracked the ultimate code of a disease as I was holding two paper cups with coffee within my hands and wearing a pair of tiring eyes on my face, a piece of paper hanging from my pressed lips with all my sketches and words written in it.

It was all Dr. Styles' fault, anyway. If I end this residency like a maniac scientist, I'll blame it all on him.

"Hey princess! What time is it?" Jasper asked me jokingly when I ran into him, almost crashing against him.

"Not funny." I couldn't even pronounce the words properly because of the paper tucked in between my lips.

"Do you need a hand with that?" He eyed the cups and reached out his hand to help me, but I was quick to step back and tried to give him a polite smile.

"Sorry, no need. Gotta go!" I excused myself and continued my way to Dr. Styles' office. "See ya!"

Quickly, I reached his door and knocked on it with my foot. A few seconds passed until it was opened, his tall figure welcoming me on the other side, a look of surprise mixed with amusement on his features.

"Got it," I held up both hands with the coffee cups in victory.

He cocked his head to the side. "What did you get? Coffee?"

I shook my head no and as I could, I glanced at the piece of paper between my lips, puckering them forward a bit. "The diagnosis. I got it."

Dr. Styles clicked his tongue and pulled my notes out of their cage, reviewing them with a frown as I caught my breath after the little marathon I just did to his office.

"Come in," he said without looking up from my writing and walking over to his desk. "I want you to explain to me with your own words how you came up with this... mix."

I nodded and stepped into the room, closing the door with my foot behind me. I looked at the coffee cups in my hands and handed him one with a smile.


His eyes fell on me and then traveled to my offer. "I don't drink coffee."

I would have been taken aback by the dryness in his words, but at this point, I wasn't expecting anything from him. I pressed my lips together in a line and set one of the coffees on a table to proceed to sip mine.

After drinking the warm delicacy that lifted up my soul, I let out a contented sigh, not realizing that a pair of impatient eyes were waiting for me to speak.

"Well?" He gestured with his hands for me to start.

"Oh right," I smirked and cleared my throat. "The patient told us that he had heart surgery when he was a kid, but he couldn't remember which one, right? What if said surgery was for a congenital heart disease that was never fixed?"

His eyebrows shot up with interest and, putting the paper aside, he crossed his arms and pinched his plump lips with the thumb and forefinger of his hand. "Keep going..."

"Let's suppose that this heart disease was a VSD and if it wasn't completely fixed, it remained open, meaning that extra blood flowed through the hole and to the lungs throughout his entire life. That could've developed pulmonary hypertension, and with the V-Tach he already has, his heart couldn't be able to oxygenate the blood properly, causing hypoxia that led to the fainting and consequently, cardiac arrest. " I clapped once with my hands as I concluded the reason for the main problem. "Also, the patient looks overweight due to the edema in his limbs and abdomen, because at this point, I would say that he's already suffering from heart failure caused by this pulmonary hypertension, of course."

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