Chapter 6

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Putting my hair in a ponytail and my glasses over the bridge of my nose, I let out a sigh. The past week had been so harsh even the weekend wasn't enough for me to get proper rest. While most of the residents went out to a bar for some drinks, I stayed behind at my place reading and studying everything I needed to know about orthopedics, since today I was going to spend my shift with Dr. Horan.

My eyelids were heavy from lack of sleep, so I rubbed them fervently. Sitting on the bench in the dressing room, I tied my shoelaces and as I did that, I felt a body taking a seat next to me.

"I have an idea," Easton's voice slipped past my ears. "I'll give you all the information you need to survive your shift with Dr. Horan if you do the same for me."

I sat up and looked at him with a frown, not understanding what he meant.

"I'm with Dr. Styles today," he explained himself, making a frown with his lips. "I'd ask Rachel how he is, but I like you better."

I rolled my eyes in amusement and nudged him lightly with my shoulder.

"He has his attitude," I told him. "What matters most to him is that you have to be fast. And that you know what you're doing, of course. "

"That's it?" he snorted, bringing his hands to the back of his neck and leaning against the lockers. "Easy peasy."

I smiled tightly and put my hands on my knees. Oh, Easton, you're not ready for what's coming at you.

"Dr. Horan is a wonderful guy," he commented after a few seconds. "He lets you treat him by his first name, tells the best jokes, and doesn't ask anything. Plus, he lets you see and touch everything."

As soon as those words left his mouth, I gave him a funny look, holding back a laugh because of the double meaning behind them. His cheeks turned red almost instantly and his eyes went wide.

"Not in that sense, Jesus." He laughed nervously and shook his head. "By the way, how is your hand?"

"Better," my sight drifted to my wounds that were already recovering, stretching and folding my fingers. "Dr. Armstrong did a good job."

"She seems to be amazing," he gave me a small smile.

"Are you drooling over her too?"

"What? Of course not," he snorted, giving me a knowing look. "I mean, she's pretty, but I don't go around saying inappropriate things about her and other female doctors like Hunter."

I widened my eyes and made a face. "I don't think I even want to know."

"I try to stop him whenever I can," he shrugged and then stood up. "Well, enough with the small talk. It'll be better if-"

He was interrupted by the noisy entrance of Rachel, who was wearing a smile from ear to ear on her face. Almost instantly I felt my blood boil as I remembered her taking my place in yesterday's surgery and I put my hands into fists just by seeing her so damn happy.

"I love Dr. Styles," she breathed out and sat down next to me, invading my personal space on purpose. "It's a shame you missed yesterday's surgery, Madelyn! You can't imagine how much he taught me and how well we hit it off."

"Wow, congratulations," I muttered under my breath and got up to my locker to get my things and walk out of there before doing or saying something I'll regret.

"It's true!" she continued with an obnoxious laugh and put the books on the free space I had left seconds ago. "We connect like soul mates and it's like we can finish each other's sentences. We are best friends. "

Easton raised both eyebrows in incredulity and crossed his arms, leaning on the locker next to mine.

"That's good to know Rachel," I couldn't figure out if he was being genuinely nice to her or if he was teasing her. "I hope I get along with him too."

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