I don't want him to feel as if I'm forcing him to stay with me. I'd hate to do that to him.

Hudson locks eyes with me. The blue color softens and clouds with affection.

"I think I want an annoying little human who has the same pretty eyes as you."

His smile and words lift the weight off my shoulders and wrap warm blankets around my heart.

He wants this...

Hudson steps forward and cradles my face.

"I want this with you, Blair."

Then he kisses me.

Tender. Lingering.

It's sweet that it brings tears to my eyes.

Ugh, I already hate this.


I'm walking out of the studio when I catch Xavier waiting for me. He's leaning against his car, hands in his pocket, and looking as dreamy as ever. Like magic, a smile erupts on my face and I'm hurriedly walking over to my...to Xavier.

"What are you doing here?"

It's been a couple of weeks since his crash and his injuries have completely healed. Thankfully, the injury to his wrist wasn't severe enough to prevent him from driving. And Xavier hasn't been deterred away from racing, though he hasn't raced yet. He mentioned that his next race is in New York. I'm both giddy for him and bummed for me. I can't go. I can't afford it. Xavier knows this and even though he offered to pay for me, I refused. Sunday Studio is offering me a position to be their junior graphic designer so soon I'll be able to start saving up and living my best life.

Xavier drags his eyes over my body with a heart-stoppingly gorgeous smile.

"Thought I'd give you a ride." He pushes off his car and crowds my space.

Instantly, his scent makes my stomach flutter.

"That's sweet of you but you didn't have to." Looking into his eyes makes every worry and stress inside me disappear. 

"And leave you to walk home in the dark?" He grins as he grabs my tote bag from me and opens the back door.

I chuckle.

"I take the train."

He slams the door shut.

"In the dark."

There's no point arguing with this dude, he won't ever back down.

"And I thought you might want to see Bloo."

I smile at him. I'm always missing that dog. I wish I could bring him home.

"We should take him to that new dog park that opened, he'll love it."

"Yeah...but maybe not right now." Xavier mumbles and I can sense his nervousness.

"What's wrong?"

Xavier runs his hand through his hair.

"He's kinda...limping."

"What? What are you talking about? What happened to him?" My heart drops into my stomach in fear.

If something happened to that dog...

"He hurt his paw."

My eyes widen.

"What? How?" My worry grows with every passing second. I haven't seen Bloo in four days. I knew something was wrong when I woke up this morning feeling crappy.

"I accidentally broke a glass yesterday and he stepped on it. The shattered glass cut his paw pad. I took him to the vet and got him stitched up. He's all good but he's just limping a little." Xavier grimly tells me and instantly I lock onto the fact that this happened a day ago.

As in one whole day ago.

"And you're telling me this now?!" I bellow out in annoyance mixed with utter concern.

Xavier grimaces.

"I didn't want to worry you."

"Ugh, you're unbelievable. I can't believe you kept this from me for one whole day. One whole day, Xavier. Oh my god." I might be acting a little dramatic but that dog means the world to me and I cannot let anything or anyone hurt him.

I can't lose another important piece of my life.

"I'm sorry," Xavier caresses my cheek with the back of his fingers, "Please don't be mad."

His touch is heart-fluttering but I'm so mad.

"I am mad. How can you not call me when he got hurt? Or when you were taking him to the vet?" I don't care about my work or studies if someone important to me is hurt. They are my priority. I understand and appreciate his consideration but he should've told me.

"Lia." Xavier frowns apologetically.

I glare up at him.

"I could just punch you in the throat right now."

That breaks him out into a quiet laugh that only pushes my buttons more.

"Stop laughing."

Xavier nods and murmurs a sorry before opening the passenger door for me but I slam it back shut.

"No. I'll do it myself." I open the door myself and climb inside just to be extra petty.

He didn't tell me that our dog was hurt. I'm not letting him open doors for me.

<3 <3 <3 <3

I cuddle and coo and pepper Bloo with hugs and kisses. Showering him with the utmost adoration and support. His left front paw is wrapped with a blue bandage that I keep kissing just to make him feel better.

As soon as I stepped through Xavier's apartment, Bloo came running to me, albeit with a limp, and I dropped to my knees to hug the crap out of him. I didn't stop sending Xavier glares and he didn't stop laughing.

He's on my shit list.

I wanted to stay with Bloo but Blair texted me saying she needed me home fast. Sensing the urgency of her message, I dejectedly said goodbye to Bloo. Xavier gave me a ride home and I talked his ear off, demanding he tells me everything about Bloo's recovery. He promised and I ended the night by kissing him on the cheek.

That made him laugh.

When I step through the door of my apartment, I'm surprised to see Nolee.

"I missed you!" I crush her in a hug that makes her laugh.

Even though I'd seen her two days ago, I still missed her like crazy.

Just then, Blair walks out of her bedroom, looking tired and comfy in her sweats and awfully nervous.

Immediately our smiles disappear.

"Blair, what's wrong?"

"Is everything okay?"

Me and Nolee surround her, checking her over for any discomfort. Blair sighs almost in annoyance and plops down on the sofa.

"I'm pregnant."

Nolee and I gasp in shock. This is Blair. Blair and kids don't mix. Is she going to keep it? Whatever her decision, I'm with her—we're with her.

Blair fiddles with her sweatshirt sleeves, a small smile curling over her lips.

"And I'm keeping it."

"Oh my god!"


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