Chapter 22

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The detective and the two police officers stopped running after a few minutes and continued to walk in silence, not wanting to alert the remaining kidnappers of their presence. The men were moving apart from each other, each man covering an area of 10 meters around them, but still close enough to see and hear each other. With one hand holding the gun and the other pushing branches out of his way, the detective moved slowly through the forest. His eyes were scanning every inch of it and he even checked if the kidnappers hadn't climbed the trees to hide from them.

"Sir!" suddenly one of the policemen whispered in a hushed voice. The detective immediately turned around and saw the younger man standing in front of a fallen tree on the ground. The police officer motioned for him to come to him, so he did what he was asked. The second officer joined them as well and they looked questionable at the man who called them.

"Listen" he said and the three kept silent.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry" they heard a panicked voice say over and over again. The detective's head immediately shot up and he moved around the big tree trunk to see who the voice belonged to. His heart pained when he saw Yoongi in the middle of a severe panic attack and Taehyung lying unconscious next to him. He knelt quickly in front of the rapper, because the boy was starting to sway dangerously even though he was sitting on the ground.

""Yoongi, breath. You're safe now" he said while placing a hand on the boy's arm to steady him. The boy didn't seem to hear him, because his eyes were rolling back into his head and the detective caught him in time to lay him on his back without hurting the swollen left shoulder. The man checked for a pulse, like the doctor had done with Hoseok, but other than that he didn't know what to do. The boy's heartbeat was fast, but that was normal after someone passed out from a panic attack? And he was breathing, so Yoongi's condition wasn't life-threatening thankfully. The detective then moved over to Taehyung, and he swallowed nervously when he saw the state of his back. He knew from the videos and live stream that the boy had multiple wounds, but he wasn't prepared for this. There wasn't an inch of the boy's back that wasn't coated with blood, yellow fluid or soil. About 6 cuts were open and the detective felt his stomach turn when he saw what kind of dirt was filling the space in between the torn skin. A combination of blood, puss, soil, leaves and even insects were clumped together. The man placed a hand on the boy's forehead, and he wasn't surprised to feel the heat coming from underneath his hand.

"Hmmppf" Taehyung mumbled when the cold hand made contact with his skin. The detective's eyes widened with alarm when he noticed that the boy was waking up.

"Taehyung?" he said and rubbed the boy's arm. The singer moaned and turned his head towards the detective. Tears were already streaming down his cheeks, causing the man to wince in sympathy. "Taehyung, can you open your eyes?" and to his surprise the boy did what he was asked and blinked sluggishly at the man sitting next to him.

"Good good. Taehyung, where are the others?" the detective asked. But Taehyung was in too much pain to answer him, because he could only moan in pain and he squeezed his eyes shut. Seeing someone in this much pain hurt the three grown up men and the detective looked helpless at the two other officers.

"Tell Sejin we found them and let the doctor come here as soon as possible"

The oldest of the two nodded his head and grabbed his walkie-talkie from his belt. While the man made contact with the others, the detective focused back on the boys on the ground. Taehyung's hands were digging in the ground and he continued to moan and cry in pain. The boy tried weakly to find a position that wasn't hurting him, but the detective knew that the boy's chest was colored in several bruises underneath the dried blood. There wasn't a position that wouldn't hurt him, and right now lying on his stomach was the best choice because of his wounds.

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