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DESPITE the fact that things were a little tense between Lana and Jude, she still sat down to watch his game tonight.

Nerves grew on her as she started to pick up on common mistakes from Jude's end.

From the way he dribbled, to his failed passes.
It was all going wrong and she hated the idea that it could've been her fault.

All this poor game play lead up to dortmund conceding a goal making the scores 1-0 to Leipzig.

It wasn't looking good and when the cameras occasionally panned across Jude, it became clear what was going through his mind.



"Jude!" His teammate shook him violently.
"you need to get your head in the game bro, whatever's going on please try and leave it off the pitch." Karim stated as the clear frustration was evident in his tone.

"i will i will" Jude just nodded and walked away towards the tunnel.

"seriously what's going on with him today?" Marco spoke up eyeing the remaining players in the changing room.

"It's a long story, and i'm not in the mood to go through it. we have thing to focus on right now." Gio simply said, also exiting the room.

"yeah he's right, we're currently 1-0 down at half time, if we don't get it together and win, it will be long." Karim finished off and walked away.


Dortmund had started to pick up the pace and were performing as the threat that they should've been in the previous half.

It gave Lana a bit more confidence and when Hazard scored the first goal it secured this confidence.



THE game was beginning to get more tense as the half progressed, it remained a draw for the next 15 minutes.

Lana had specifically paid her attention to Jude and although he was performing far better this half, she could tell it still wasn't his best effort.

He had sloppy passes and got tired out every-time he ran upfront, it looked as if he had forgotten how to play the sport overall.

She could sense his teammates annoyance with him as they gradually decided that passing to him this game was not the best of ideas.

Many things went through her mind at that moment, she knew Jude would get slated for his performance and obviously she knows she's the reason for this.

Lana was no longer thinking about Daisy, whether what she said was true or not, it didn't make Lana think about in this moment.

Maybe that was a temporary thing.

Maybe Lana was just too busy occupied with the game that she had forgotten about the entire situation with Daisy.

Of course Jude made it clear that Daisy had lied to him, and Lana was simply not in the mood to argue so she left it with a simple "just forget about it"

But clearly he hasn't.

Whilst Leipzig absolutely dominated the game, it was no surprise when their final shot on target hit the back of the net.

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