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DAISY had arrived in Germany. She was currently waiting on Jude to pick her up and she avoided contact with people as much as possible.

She dragged her suitcase helplessly away from the terminal and found a place which was more quiet to make everything less obvious.

Which actually ended up working, nobody was around she was sat down casually simply waiting on him.


j where r u
i'm waiting..

just parked
where tf r u

i'm outside the airport
the place with bare grass
its empty

what behind the terminal?



Her face immediately lit up as she spotted the boy approaching her in the distance.

She didn't waste any time to run and engulf him tightly in a hug in which he didn't react so well to as he merely hugged her back.

"long time no see" she smiled brightly as she kept hold of his arm.

His mind instantly struck back to when he first saw Lana after those long 3 years.

He just nodded slightly as he led the way to where his car was parked.

The issue was Jude never drove, he always had his mother driving for him.
But obviously he can't let her drive this time.

He told himself he wouldn't confide in anyone to be aware about this deal with Daisy, but his circumstances meant that he had to tell someone about it.

And that someone was his bestfriend, Toby.

Sure his reaction to the news was as expected, he was flabbergasted quite frankly.

He lectured Jude for a good half hour on the bad decision he had made to get back with Daisy regardless if he was trying to protect Lana.

He reminded Jude about how much shit he'd be in once Lana finds out as the truth will always come out.

But at the end of the day, he was Jude's best mate, his brother practically. And Jude needed his help, urgently. It wasn't easy to convince him but Jude just couldn't face his Mother about it.

Denise lived with Jude at Dortmund, so it made things more tense. But luckily for Jude, she was away at Birmingham and will be for the next month or so to support her other son Jobe.

This allowed Jude to comply to this little scheme of his with Daisy.

Once Daisy and Jude made their way back to where the car was parked, Daisy was surprised to see who the driver was.

"what the actual fuck Jude." She practically yelled as she gave Toby, who was innocently seated in the drivers seat with his hand on the steering wheel, the biggest death stare.

"about that," Jude sighed, "my mum is the one who usually drives me around but shes back at brum and Toby wad around so he's basically my driver now"

"you don't have a license?" Daisy scoffed as she now stared down Jude.

"nah, is that a problem?" Jude asked whilst Toby just observed as everything unfolded.

"yes Jude yes it is, because now it means HE knows about this" She said emphasising the "he".

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