Small World

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I hid on the side of the bed quieting my breathing. My index finger held firm against the trigger. I see his footsteps come casually through the door. Got him right where I want him.

Jace: HA!

I aim my piece up instantly feeling a pop on my cheek.


I plop backwards holding onto my right cheek.


Angels says falling on top of me laughing. I hold him close in my arms.

Jace: I let you win! You're nothing like your name you know that?

We get up & I grab my purse off the dresser.

Angel: One more game Aunt Jay!

Jace: When I get back okay I have to go to work. Play with mommy.

I go downstairs to see Kendra sitting on the couch catching up on her shows eating breakfast. She had a few breakfast options in the middle of the living room table. I liked that Kendra wasn't traditional like that, every meal didn't HAVE to be at the dinner table.

Jace: Leavin for work!

Kendra: Ugh! I'll never know why you decided to start working again.  We could be drunk off mimosas shopping at Neimens right now.


Truth is, I never knew how she could just stay at home this past year. I threw myself into work so I wouldn't think about him. Think about us. Try to move on. I never saw him again after that day. I never went back to the old neighborhood after that..and didn't plan to.

Deleon must have a heart of gold or must really love Angel because he decided he would stay in Angels life. After 2 months of hardly any contact with Angel Deleon decided to pick him up every weekend. Looking at Deleon from the window I know it was hard for him and I know it took a lot to swallow his pride and take care of another man's kid. Especially a man you hate.  Kendra kept Chris away. He would call but that's it. I know Kendra was glad Deleon stashed her in a gated community where no one could find her.


I slip off my heels under my desk finally getting some relief. I was working at an insurance company. It wasn't the BEST job & it was hectic as hell but it kept my mind off the heartache.

Liz: Alright here come yo man Jay.

I cut my eye at Liz and back to my computer.

Jace: He is not ma man.

I whisper under my breath with a smirk.

Kobe: How you doin Liz?

Liz: I'm doing better now Kobe.

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