Unravel Me

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Therapist: Do you love Jason?

Jace: I have love for him.

Therapist: what about Mr.Fine? What are some things he has that Jason doesn't?

I couldn't use East's real name so I had to make up one and of course had to make up a few other lies.

Jace: Mr.Fine is...he makes me feel safe. He makes me feel secluded.

Therapist: secluded ?

Jace: maybe that's the wrong word. He makes me feel like it's just me. I'm excited at the thought of seeing him again. Its been a long time since I felt a old school crush on somebody...

Therapist: pretty strong feelings for someone you only had a couple dates with.

I pause. Did I say too much.

Therapist: I'll tell you one thing you've been coming here for months and you've never spoke of Jason this way.

Jace: Jason...in a weird way he's a male Kendra.

Therapist: like a friend?

Jace: yea...I don't know he came at a time when I needed someone when I had no one..and he stayed.

Therapist: I think you're comfortable with Jason and I think the idea of being with Mr.Fine scares you.


Therapist: remember when you first started coming to therapy? We suggested you do things alone. It would give you a sense of independence. Time to yourself. Think about what you want.

Jace: sigh I know.

Therapist: I know you know but it's time to practice it. Not with Kendra not with Jason, or Ms.B. Take yourself to the beach. Pilates. Dinner. Find a hobby.

I sigh.

Jace: how do I...break it off with Jason?

Therapist: you want my honest opinion? You have to want this new life more. Picture your perfect happy life.

I close my eyes and envision it.

Therapist: Now does it have anything you have now ?

Damn she's good. I didn't want to lose the motivation she just gave me I picked up my phone and texted Jason that it was over for good. No hard feelings. No closure. No popping up. I'm good. We are good. Then I blocked him.

I get home & Kendra calls me on 3 way with Toya.

Kendra: what you and Jason doin?

Jace: girl I told you we done for good. Blocked em and everything.

Kendra: ooooooo

She says in a sad tone that made my eyebrow raise.

Kendra: okay don't be mad at me, I told Deleon that you and Jason made up.

She admits regretfully.

Jace: bitch are you sure you ma friend?

Kendra: it was a accccident, we were laying down talkin a-

Jace: we see what happens when you 2 have too much time on your hands!

I say referring to the robbery.

Jace: no wonder I haven't heard fro-

I almost forgot Toyas nosey ass was on the phone too.

Jace: you excited about the baby shower Toy?

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