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*JACE P.O.V.* 8:15AM*

We spent the rest of the week in a hotel & Don was PISSED. He felt like someone was trying to set him up or send a warning.
Mustard gas randomly let loose in a residential area? Don knew it wasn't a accident. Everybody from the police to poison control had to investigate the incident. Half of his security detail had to be treated for mustard gas poisoning. I didn't want anyone to get hurt but I was desperate, I couldn't last another moment without my husband. But Don can never know it was me.

My stupid ass left my purse with my charger inside at the house. So it was no way I could use my phone.

Don and I were eating breakfast in our suites kitchen. He was fully dressed in his suit ready to leave and I was in my pajamas annoyed.

Don: You ready to go back home?

My eyes light up.

Jace: To East??

Don chuckles.

Don: No Jacelyn. My house.

I sigh disappointedly.

Jace: Yeah I guess.

I tried not to look too suspicious but I quickly went upstairs and barged into my room. I hop across the bed pulling my purse from the side of the bed where I tucked it. I pull out my charger and run into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I plug the charger into the outlet by the sink and connect my phone to it. I see the battery sign pop up  blinking red and I almost screamed for joy. It felt too good to be true. My heart was beating as I paced back and fourth staring at my dead phone.

The Apple symbol pops up and I gasp running to my phone. Thousands of notifications kept buzzing and I skipped all that shit and immediately scrolled down to East's name. My finger hovers over his name and I hesitate.

Jace: Fuck I can't call East....That's the first place Don will look for me.

I scroll to the only name I could trust right now.


Mikael: Jace!?

Tears almost burst from my eyes hearing my Mikael voice.

Jace: Mikael I'm sending you my location right now.

I take my phone away from my ear and airdrop him my location. I put the phone back to my ear. I could tell Mikael was driving.

Jace: Mikael you have to come get me RIGHT NOW. Chris is working under Don! I've been with him this whole time!

Mikael: Are you okay!?

Jace: Yes! But please come get me.

Mikael: I'm coming right now! Ima try to get there as fast as a I can I'm about 4 hours away! Is it gated? Do you have neighbors? How many guards is it?

Jace: Yes! Yes! He has a gate. Everything the whole house runs electronically you have to punch in a code to get in and I don't know the codes. We don't have neighbors. It's only about 5 guards here.

Mikael: Is Chris there??

Jace: No no I haven't seen him this whole week.

Mikael: Does Don have a backup generator for the house?

Jace: Generator?

Mikael: Yes it'll be either in the garage or on the side of the house it's huge you can't miss it. If the power does out in the house the generator will kick in and cut the power back on.

Jace: Uh huh

Mikael: But it's usually a delay. 15-20 seconds max.

Jace: What does that mean??

Mikael: That means you have 20 seconds to getcho black ass out that house and to this car.

My palms started to sweat.

Jace: Okay.

Mikael: So in FOUR hours make sure you're close to the door. I don't care if you fake sweep or fake cook something be CLOSE to that door.

Jace: Okay okay.

I say nodding my head already picturing my great escape. Mikael and I get off the phone.

Don was gone. I put my ultrasound pictures and everything I needed in my purse tucking it under my sweater and heading downstairs to the kitchen.

I take some frozen chicken out the stove and put it in the pan on the lowest heat so I would have an excuse to be in here

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I take some frozen chicken out the stove and put it in the pan on the lowest heat so I would have an excuse to be in here.


The front door opens and I peek my head around the corner and see Chris.

Jace: UGH

I roll my eyes HARD.

Chris: You ain't excited to see me gworl? I'm excited to see you.

He walks into the kitchen and looks into the pan crazy.

Chris: You know that's not how you cook chicken right? and why you got on sneakers?

Jace: Business! Can you get some!?

Chris: Damn alright ma bad.

Chris smirks and sits on the bar stool and I get annoyed. I take a quick glance at the door and begin to second guess everything. Could I run now with Chris right here ?

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