Chapter XV

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Ryujin bought a chicken and put it on the plate, I get the cups then I sit on the floor and I'm leaning on my bed, Ryujin sits on the floor and leans on her bed too.

It was just us sitting in front of each other then I drink the can of beer, Ryujin too. She was following my move, she was expecting something and I know what it is because that is what I also want right now.

To feel close to her, she showed me another side of her, she never failed to surprise me.

The way she treats my Mom is a nice version of her.

"Yeji, can you paint me?" She asked.

I pulled the bag under my bed and I can see in Ryujin's eyes that she was curious about what I looked like while drawing an image of her.

I get some board and tried sketching, "Come here, sit beside me." I said. Ryujin sits beside me and I'm drawing her, "I can't use paintings now, it's messy. I'll draw you using a pencil."

I'm sketching her, I draw her standing like she's taking a step then she's smiling and there's a guitar bag on her back and she's wearing a black sleeveless shirt and black ripped jeans, and a black converse.

"I don't play guitar," Ryujin said.

I smiled at her, "That is how you viewed it since it's the thing you can see in the image but that's not it, I draw you in a way how I perceived you as a person, you're cool." I said.

She suddenly smile a little and she was hiding that smile from me.

Ryujin was looking at me then she say "If I can draw, I'll draw you in a way you're in a field of flowers, different kinds of flowers, and you're standing in the middle of it wearing a white dress and your hands look like it was waving to the people who will see that painting."

I gave her my drawing then she put it on her study table, she went back to her sit, she was in front of me.

We keep on drinking then I crawl towards her and kissed her, she put her hand on my head then she smiled at me, and drink a beer, she was frank this time.

"You're not drunk yet, we only drink 4 cans of beer." She said.

I touched my head acting like I am drunk, "Ohhh I'm drunk..." Ryujin pulled my body and let me sit on top of her, "When are you planning to start selling your works?" She asked.

I'm looking down at her face while she's looking up to see my face, both of my hands are around her neck.

"If I have time to paint, I'll sell it. And selling it alone is hard, so..."

Ryujin says, "Of course, I'll come with you, let's sell it together." I kissed her nose then she asked me, "Do you mind telling me what happened that night?"

I smiled at her, "No."

"Then tell me how it seems like it never happened."

I laughed at her, "That's really funny, I literally dressed you while you were asleep." Ryujin pouted her lips, "That's brutal. I wanna know what really happened that night."

I bite my lips.

"And I also wanna know why it happened." She added.

"Do you want to happen it again?"

Ryujin answered immediately, "OF COURSE--" She stopped for a second and realize what she said, "No, Yeji. That's not what I meant, I don't want you to feel that I just want to have sex--" I kissed her to shut her up.

We keep on kissing and I can feel her hand slowly moving to touch my legs but she's pulling it, she won't want to touch me, maybe she's scared if I ever wanted it or not.

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