Chapter VIII

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The exam day is coming, Yeji and I barely talk, we keep on studying and we will only talk to each other if we want to ask something about our subjects.

We even forgot to eat natural foods, we keep on eating instant noodles and even at the dining table, we're always reading books. College life is an experienced in life that I will never want to experience again.

Both of us barely sleep, and we both are aiming for high grades so we really need to put some effort into this.

No time for chitchat.

The closer the exam day is, the more we keep on pushing ourselves to our limits, we keep on reading and reading, writing, memorizing, computing, and comprehensive notes that should be understood not memorized.

One night, while I'm reading, it was already 2:53 am. I'm reading the notes that I wrote, Yeji gets some coffee, she looks at me and her eyes went big. She went closer to me and gets some tissue, "Ryujin!".

My nose is bleeding.

She started wiping my nose, she was so close to me and her hand was holding the tissue on my nose and the other hand was on my shoulder.

I didn't mean it but it's better, to be honest. She's wearing a white shirt and she doesn't have a bra, her nipples are marked on her thin shirt.

"Yeji, move. Your nipples."

I closed my eyes. She stepped backward and act like I didn't say anything about that, "Take some medicine and take a nap. Don't overdo it." She said.

When she went back to her chair, I opened my eyes. "I'm sorry, Yeji. I don't mean that you need to adjust for me, I just want to respect you."

Yeji throws her bra on my face, "Shut up. We're studying."

A night before our exam, I decided to study until 12:00 am only. I want to gather strength. It's already 6:30 pm and Yeji is still sleeping, she will wake up around 7:00 pm and study until the morning she will go take the exam without sleep.

I went outside our bedroom and went to the convenience store. While I'm walking on my way to the store, I saw Yujin. She waved her hands, "You're studying so hard, you never went outside your room for a week."

"Well, I need a high grade."

"Where are you going?"

"To convenience store."

"I'll come with you. I'll walk you there."

I nodded at her. She was smiling the whole time we were walking. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "I finally see you. To be honest, I missed you a lot."

I laughed a little, she sounds like a kid. I can tell that if I say 'yes' to her, I'll be her first girlfriend.

She suddenly gets my hand, "You write a lot, you have a wound on your fingers."

When we're already in the convenience store, she runs so fast and bought a rabbit band-aid, "Ryujin! This looks so cute on you. Let me put this on your fingers."

She let me sit on the chair and she was standing in front of me, she blows my fingers and put the band-aid. "You need to balance your study and health, what can you do about your score in exams if you're dead at the young age, right?"

She's like Dad, she keeps on nagging at me.

"Just sit here, I'll buy you everything you need when you're studying, wait for me here, I'll buy it in the pharmacy store." She ran so fast outside the convenience store.

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