Chapter VII

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"Ryujin, I'm not mad at you. So, stay."

I ask, "What makes you say that words? I'm completely a jerk and will forever be a jerk. I can't even tell if I will stop imagining you naked--"

She suddenly unbuttons her blouse, "YAH!" I screamed. "What the hell are you doing!?" I put my blanket on her, she's trying to remove her clothes, what's going on inside her head?

"Will you now listen to me?" She asked.

"Okay! Okay!"

I sit on her bed, I'm putting distance between us, I don't want to take advantage of her and think something perverts about her.

"Ryujin, I set in my mind that other people would think of me inside their head, I think they are slowly removing my clothes, my underwear, my bra, and slapping my face while pounding me, they are taking out my dignity inside their head. I know that and I expected that when I took this job. There are plenty of old people telling me that they are 'Sorry' about my situation in my life, they feel pity for me. They are the only people who say 'Sorry' to me but in that way and now, you are the only person who told me everything, and you proved that you are 'Sorry' to me."

I feel bad.

"The people who are the same age as us, they never said that they are sorry to me because they are thinking the way you're thinking whenever you see me. They are keeping in their mind about that and I know some of them are the ones who are commenting on my videos, I act like I don't know, to keep my face up around the other students here at the University and I also know some Professors are watching me and thinking of me inside their head whenever they see me in class." 

She keeps her heads up, she's brave, and she never shed tears while telling me her stories, I don't even know what's going to happen to me If I were in her position.

"I slapped you for a reason. I don't know how to take a confession like that, I don't know how to accept it, I just know that I am feeling mad but at the same time, I'm glad. I'm glad that out of all the people, it was you who stood up to confess like that. I'm mad because you lied to me, you could've told me the truth but I can imagine what's gonna happen if you confess right away, I might not talk to you for the entire school year."

I sighed loudly, "Yeji, you helped me a lot. You don't know that. When I first saw your video, I thought you look beautiful, you look so pretty plus your body seems fake to be real, it was so good. I keep on searching for your name but I can't find it, I keep on looking for your social media account but I saw nothing, then I ended up subscribing to your channel and waiting for your every monthly video, I know it sounds like obsessed to you but that's not it, it happens that only your video is the one that I'm watching, nothing more."

Yeji silently laughed, "YEJI! I PROMISE! I WILL NOT WATCH YOUR VIDEO ANYMORE! I PROMISE THAT I WILL NOT THINK OF YOU IN MY HEAD--I MEAN I WILL TRY SLOWLY!" I crossed my fingers in front of her, she was stopping herself from laughing, then she asked me an awkward question.

"Do I turn you on?"

I throw her pillow on her face and pulled her hands, I pushed her to her bed and I lay down on my bed and hide under my blanket.

"Of course." I nervously said.

Fudge, I still need to study though. I throw my blanket and I can see her smiling a little while she's studying. Someone suddenly knocked, and when I opened the door, it was Dad, "Are you ready now? I already found a new dorm for you. It's a walking distance." Dad entered the room and Yeji look at me.

Dad looks at Yeji, "Dad, I changed my mind. I'll stay here."

Yeji looks back and continues studying. Dad flicked my forehead, "You child! I already talked to the landlady and paid her for the down payment, now I can't have it back." I hugged Dad and told him, "I'll eat dinner with you, to pay you for that." He smiled a little and whispered, "I know a restaurant."

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