Chapter III

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Yeji is my classmate in four subjects and the rest, I'm on my own, I'm with different years. Every morning, Yujin and I are walking together, and she's always waiting for me at the elevator.

No words but every day I see Yujin, she's looking more beautiful.

Yeji and I, we're not talking to each other even inside our room, it's like I don't exist in her eyes but there are times that I can't stop staring at her, I really like her so bad, she's such a badass.

We're both studying all night, our study table was both on the opposite sides of the room, and she was not talking to me, I wish she will but I don't think I can take it if I hear her voice talking to me in this kind of place, I will definitely hear her tone in a different way.

In two weeks of being inside the same bedroom with her, I noticed that she doesn't like holding her phone, it even feels like she doesn't have one, she likes reading books or studying.

She used cologne every time. She doesn't have a mirror and whenever she saw my mirror on my study table, she's moving so fast, she doesn't like seeing herself.

She barely eats healthy food, she's always eating can food or noodles.

Dad always brought cooked food to my room, and whenever I had a chance to offer her some food, she will stand up so fast and go inside the bathroom.

There are times when i saw her stopping herself from crying and in that times, I'm always acting like I feel sleepy and I will lie down on my bed and put a pillow on my face.

Those nights, I can hear her crying but it sounds like she's blocking her mouth.

Yeji was no different from every one of us, she was also suffering quietly and she was keeping it herself. I wish she has a friend that she can talk to or someone she can vent out her feelings.

At this time, it can't be me.

I'm still in the thoughts of imagining her naked body, I'm no other than the people who are looking at her and saying words inside their minds.

It's my last subject for today and Yeji is my classmate in this subject, we're also sitting next to each other since the only space was always next to her.

I confirmed that everyone here is avoiding her, I don't know if it's them or it was Yeji who's not letting someone enter her life.

"Heads up Class, As I told you last week, we will have a by-pairs activity today and i want you all to present it to my next meeting. And also, your partner is the one sitting next to you."


All of the Students inside the room are talking about the activity but Yeji is lying down on the table and I just sit there and do nothing.

After a while, the class ends and we just walked outside the room.

Yeji was walking in front of me and I'm behind her, she's a typical type of person who likes looking at the moon whenever she's walking. When we were inside the elevator, it was so awkward.

I was about to press the button but I accidentally touches her finger, we press the button at the same time and I pulled my hands so fast.

Yeji smirked, "I know in your inner self, you feel disgusted over me. Just don't show it right in front of me." She said.

But no!

I can't express my face, "No, I don't feel that way towards you," Is this the reason why she's not talking to me?

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