Chapter XXVII

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I was down, I can't get away with this feeling anymore.

I like Ryujin, I like her more than anything in this world.

She's the only person who made me feel that I am not a porn star, she made me feel that I am someone who is normal to her.

I like when she's showing her feelings for me, I like when she's making me feel important, and I like it when she's doing things that will put a smile on my face.

I wish it could last longer.

When she first saw her Mom, I thought our relationship will end but her Dad talked me that Ryujin was just having a hard time, this is Ryujin when she's in the attack.

Her Dad cried in front of me, he wants me to understand Ryujin.

And when I showed up to her, she made me feel that I am her medicine in this painful world, she looks into my eyes like she was mad at herself for hurting me.

For the nights that we were together, the feeling inside of me is getting stronger and I can't deny it anymore.

I want to confess my feeling for Ryujin in a romantic way but whenever she's talking about Lia, I am feeling anxious I want to confess to her so she will know that I already like her, she's now mine, please, don't say Lia's name.

When Ryujin's talking to her Mom about Lia, I feel like I am already lost, Ryujin's Mom knows that Lia is innocent and she is her best friend.

I feel insecure.

Here I am again, thinking that I am a porn star while Lia studying abroad, and what if she came back? Will it be the end of me?

I want to get away with my job now that's why when I heard Patrick saying the fans wanted a threesome and they will pay us triple, it can already help me and end my journey as a porn star.

But the only problem is that they want it to post on every porn site.

The first person that came into my mind is Ryujin, If I am not working as a porn star anymore, we can do what the real couple does.

I want Ryujin to show her feelings for me when I am already done with my job, I am free and clean.

I said 'Yes' to Patrick and he told me that we can trust the other girl for a threesome.

The moment that I am scared of suddenly came, and Lia was here.

I am feeling nervous from the way Ryujin looks at her, I wonder how will their conversation ends. I want to stop Ryujin from walking towards her but she said to herself that it is time for her to talk to Lia.

I ran inside the house and hide in the bedroom.

I can't stop biting my lips and thinking about what's gonna happen to us if they came back to each other. I'm imagining Ryujin and Lia together in bed, naked, and full of kiss marks, I don't think I can take it.

My heart is burning.

The clock is ticking so slowly, I wanted to get Ryujin and kiss her in front of Lia, I want to say it now, I want to confess now.

I want to scream my feeling, "I LIKE YOU RYUJIN! I REALLY LIKE YOU! A LOT!"

I started punching my heart, I can't stop my feeling.

Finally, someone knocked on the door and it was Ryujin.

"Yeji, I know you're scared about how the conversation will end but before I tell you what happened, I want you to listen to me first."

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