The large windows show the weather being exactly how I feel on the inside. Dark, gloomy, and rainy.

Poppy and Brina sit side by side on the sunroom table, in the spot with the most sun.

I plop on the floral couch and stare at the urns, letting the water leak out of my eyes without caring enough to keep my face clean.

Even without looking into a mirror, I know my eyes are swollen from the days of crying nonstop. Sometimes I would squeeze my eyes closed so they couldn't cry anymore but that never really worked.

Wyatt comes in around an hour later.

"Hey, doll." He greets with a sad smile on his face.

"Hi." I respond with no energy.

He sits next to me and pulls my shoulders into him so that I lean on him. He's warm and I've missed his touch. I don't feel like I deserve it though. I don't deserve the comfort and warmth they guys bring me. I've killed everyone I love and if they weren't immortal, I'd kill them too.

Wyatt holds me as he talks, I drown him out with my own thoughts of Brina and Poppy.

The only person I have ever killed that deserved it, was Desmond.

I hear the news cut on in the living room. Only Nik watches the news. Somehow, he doesn't find it depressing but I do. All they talk about are the horrible things happening but never anything good. They'll talk about drug dealers and gang leaders, but never a mom lifting a car to save her kid or a man who's saved people from a mass shooting.

"A tragedy at Armen's Arcade-Bar accrued yesterday afternoon. First responders say a gas leak caused the death of fifty-three people."

Fifty-three. I murdered over fifty people for no reason.

"They think it was-" Wyatt starts.

"A gas leak." I finish his sentence.

He nods and holds me tighter, "I didn't know you could hear that. How're you feeling?"

I shrug, "like a murderer." I sulk.

A long breath hisses through his teeth, "you're not a murderer, doll."

"Then what would you call it?" I ask him, seriously wanting an answer other than me being what I see myself as.

The moments of silence break my heart.

"A human plagued by an evil entity that she takes the blame for."

I scoff, "an entity? I think I am the entity."

He doesn't say anything else for the the remainder of the time we spend in the sunroom. I'm grateful for the silence.

Dinner time rolls around, someone made soup. It looks like it's a lentil soup with spinach, sausage, and feta cheese on top. Someone clearly put in a lot of work into this meal, but my stomach doesn't even rumble looking at it. It actually makes me nauseous to even think about eating it.

After sitting there, staring at it for a few minutes, Nik decides to speak.

"Try it, love. Please." It's rare for Nik to beg, very rare.

Even thought everything inside me wants to just throw this soup against the wall, I try a bite.

It tastes good, but fills no void. I have no desire to continue to eat it.

Nik sighs, "eat more, love. You need food!" He raises his voice, beginning to feel frustrated.

Now he hates me too. This isn't worth all the pain I cause, they need someone better than me.

The spoon that rests in my hand forces it's way into my mouth as I force myself to eat it with a smile on my face.

"Is it good, doll?" Wyatt asks, clearly happy I'm finally eating.

"Delicious, thank you."

Jett eyes me but says nothing. He's suspicious no doubt.

"Lets watch a movie after we eat." I suggest, wanting to spend more time with them before I do what has to be done.

Nik and Wyatt happily agree, but Jett just nods, not taking his eyes off of me.

Maybe he's just upset that I killed Brina.

When we're done eating, we set ourselves up in the theater room.

I sit through the whole movie with a smile on my face. It felt like it took forever for it to end, but I'm happy to spend just a little more time with them.

"Can we go for a walk before bed?" I ask Nik, wanting to spend a little more time with the man who marked me. He might be affected the most by my actions. I trust that he will be okay though.

Nik leads the way out the door into the sky of stars. It's beautiful, comforting even.

We walk and in hand quietly, taking in the view.

"We will find a way, love. We're going to get the Vurthron out of you." He says.

I don't respond. I'm sure he truly does believe that, but I don't. I'm a risk, I kill innocent human beings and I've been doing it since the day I was born.

The hope I once had is gone. But that's alright, soon, they won't have to worry about any of this.

I do in fact enjoy our walk, it wasn't until eleven at night until we got home. My body is exhausted though, the muscles I haven't used in I don't know how long ache.

Jett is already in my room by the time I get in there.

His eyes snap to mine, but his silence speaks volumes. He's waiting for me to say something. Maybe to ask for help, I'm not sure.

He holds the blankets up, gesturing for me to get in.

My pants slide off my legs before I hop in the bed with him.

I need to write them a letter. They deserve that much.

Vampires don't sleep though. The whole night, we lay there. His arm is around me, securing me in place the whole night as we spoon.

Even in the morning, I wake up to him not to have moved an inch.

"I think I'm going to take a shower." I yawn.

I do actually feel grimy, and I know I have to look the way I feel.

"I love you." He kisses the back of my head before leaving my bedroom so I can get my stuff together for a shower.

After a few minutes of scanning around my room, I find a stray notebook with a pen clipped to it. I write to them. I give them an explanation and I tell them how much I love them and how I will always cherish them.

I shower, I take a nice, long, warm shower.

When I get out, the person I see in the mirror isn't me. It's an outer shell of who I used to be. I'm not this girl anymore.

Looking around the bathroom, all I know I can use is the glass from the mirror. Not thinking twice, I quickly smash the mirror, feeling shards of glass cut through my hand. With shaky hands, I grab the biggest shard I can find and cut it into my arm before sitting in the corner of the room.

The last thing I hear is someone busting through the door.

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