She noticed my grin and briefly shot me an amused smile back ; that was before the bell signalling first period rang and I was forced to go to my first class.

Currently however , it's 14:58 in the afternoon meaning I have just 12 minutes until I'm free from school. I had just two classes today , one first period and one last period ; I spent the middling hours of today in the library trying to get on top of my work load. I didn't even have history today , meaning I haven't seen Miss Foster since this morning, I hope she remembers that I'm staying tonight.

I watch the clock intensely as the seconds tick by. The seconds slowly turn into minutes, and eventually one minute turns into twelve and the bell finally rings.

"I've emailed you all your homework , I need it back in by Thursday."

My teacher almost screams over the sound of all of us eagerly packing up our things ; some of my class mates practically ran out of the classroom door before she could finish her sentence.

Her words made me want to burst into tears quite frankly ; every time I tackle one piece of work , another gets assigned and takes it's place , it's like a viscous cycle I can't seem to get out of.

I check my phone as I saunter aimlessly out of the classroom, scrolling up into my emails to double check where I'm supposed to be and when for this open evening. It says I have to meet in Hi2 at 16:00 ; I think back for a second, quickly remembering Hi2 to be Miss Wilson's room down the hall.

I have approximately 50 minutes between now and when I need to be there , and so I decide that it's probably worth stopping at the library to try and hack into the mountainous pile of homework I have building up.

I find myself a seat in there next to the printer , which being at least 25 years old , gives off enough external heat to act as a radiator.

When I'm alone , unbothered with my earphones in (just one earphone if I'm being specific , as I don't like not being able to hear what's around me) , working through my assignments at my own pace with a big open table providing enough space to spread out my various worksheets and text book scans , I actually enjoy studying.

Even better , just minutes into starting my history notes on Post World War Germany , rain begins to pour outside , hitting the window panes to the side of me gently and simply amplifying the comfort I feel in this quiet space.

As Frank Ocean builds up to the chorus of "Lost" , I feel a slight tap on my left shoulder and so I look up from my work.

"Are you still staying to help out tonight?" Miss Foster whispers , crouching down next to me and resting her elbows on the table.

I take out my one earphone to be polite (even though I can hear her perfectly fine with it still in.)

"Miss Foster why are you whispering?" I reply in her same hush tone.

She furrows her brows , "That's what you do in a library" she continues to whisper , possibly even quieter than the first time.

I grin, "I'm the only one in here"

Rosie looks over her shoulder and scans her eyes around the room.

"Okay fair enough.." she conceded , returning to her normal voice. "But you still haven't answered my question." she persisted.

I nod my head , "I'm definitely staying but I'm just trying to get some of the homework you set done beforehand." I tell her.

She smiles , "And how're you getting on? Are you stuck on anything?"

I shake my head , "Not yet , although I haven't even attempted the 25 marker yet."

She nods , "You'll be fine , you're one of the only ones in that class who can write academically so don't worry about the essay."

Forbidden Miss FosterWhere stories live. Discover now