Day something

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FOR THE LAST TIME! Your mother left here at 9 this morning... Leave me alone!
Let's see, I've walked the dog, cleaned my room, gone shopping and gossiped with my friends...Nope, this list doesn't say that I'm required to talk to you.
When you were born you were so ugly that instead of slapping you, the doctor slapped your mom! leave a message
My Mom said never talk to strangers and well, since you're really strange.... I guess that means I can't talk to you!
Forget the ugly stick! you must have been born in the ugly forrest!
I really don't like you but if you really must leave a message, I'll be nice and at least pretend to care.
You know the drill! You leave a message....and I ignore it!
I'm not here right now so cry me a river, build yourself a bridge, and GET OVER IT!!!
Why are you bothering me? I have my away message on cause I don't want to listen to you and your stupid nonsense.
The Village just called. They said they were missing their town idiot, I couldn't really understand them, but I think they were saying the name was yours...

Sarcastic comebacksNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ