Hey how you doing?

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Whatever is eating you, it must be suffering horribly
Person: why aren't you at church?
Guy: who's this?
Person: God
Person: why are you texting in church? Pay attention
Me: here's a picture of what you mean to me
Them: but it's a blank piece of paper...
Me: exactly
Teacher: I enjoyed reading your book. Who wrote it for you?
Student: I'm so glad you liked it. Who read it to you?
Friend: why are you so stupid?
Me: to understand you
Piss me off again and your next period will come out of your nose
Do you know what's funny? Not you, so shut up!
Fake is the new trend and you seem to be in style

Sarcastic comebacksUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum