Idk what to write here :D

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*friend drops pencil on floor*
Friend: pick that up
Me: why??
Friend: coz you're closer to the ground!
Me: bitch, you're used to bending down so you pick it up.
Them: You're a fucking retard!
Me: you're a what?
Them: a fucking retard
Me: haha loser!
Them: ._.
Guy: you're abcdefghijk
Ex: what's that?
Guy: adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, fascinating, gorgeous and hot
Ex: awwww, what's ijk?
Her: you are what you eat
Me: I didn't know you could fit shrek in your mouth
Them : what are you looking at?!
Me: honestly if I knew I would tell you
Im visualising duck-tape over your mouth
Girl: that song is old!
You: so is your mom, but you still listen to her
Hater: you're ugly!
You: oh sorry, I'm not a mirror
Nice teeth, are they available in white!
Wow, your teeth remind me of a song...hmm...what is it? Oh yeah, black and yellow
You're like a cloud, once you go away it becomes a nicer day
Wow, that's a nice shade of ultra-jerk you're wearing today!
Well your day was a complete waste of makeup
*bell rings*
*students start to pack up*'
Teacher: The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!
You: if the bell doesn't dismiss me then it doesn't decide when I arrive... Case closed

Sarcastic comebacksजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें