"And what? Just give up?" He asked the other but Jay just glares at him. "You know as well as I do, we have no chance at stopping that thing!" You frowned and interrupted them. "Hey, stop it! Listen to yourselves. Is this what Sensei Wu would've wanted? Us fighting? Running and hiding? Giving up?" You asked looking at the. "But he's not here anymore." Everyone begins to mourn losing their master.

"But his teachings live on. Sensei once told me it's not the size of a ninja in a fight, it's the size of the fight in the ninja. All this training, all of these battles we've had with skeletons and Serpentine. We've persevered through so much, we can't just give up now. A ninja never admits defeat. A ninja always picks himself up when he is down. Which is exactly what Sensei Wu would want us to do right now." Y/N said with confidence. but how do we destroy a snake of that magnitude?

"Yeah, it's not like we have an extra Sacred Flute lying around to charm it. Or wait, haha, how about one of our awesome Dragons? Oh, I forgot. They took off and left us high and dry. Or, hey, what about our Golden Weapons? Which will do nothing against a snake that size. Heh, oh, we are so hooped." Cole sighs, "Ah, Jay's right. We would need a weapon so big." "Or an idea that's even bigger! Ha! Jay, you're a genius! You thinking what I'm thinking?" Kai grinned and Jay just stares at him. "Probably not, but go ahead."

"There's no time. I'll fill you guys in on the way." Kai said running off. "Wha—Where are we going?" You asked the hot head. He looked back, "We're going to destroy that snake once and for all."


The ninja made it to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk.

"Good idea, Kai. If the Devourer likes to consume, this place is a full-on buffet." Cole grinned. Jay sighs. "Looks like my parents are gone." "Good, better for us." Kai lays out a blueprint. We all look at it, Jay is wowed. "It's so awesome.

Zane, you still have a recording of the Sacred Flute in your memory bank?" Kai asked looking at the nendroid. "It might've been destroyed earlier, but I have its exact tone recorded and ready for playback." He plays the flute recording.

"Good. And there should be enough spare parts around here to build this whopper. But we're gonna need to create our biggest Tornado of Creation yet. This is gonna be dangerous and we can't have anyone around." The Postman enters the Junkyard Whistling a tune. "Ugh. What's he doing here?" Cole and Kai run up to him. "Aah! You ninja are always sneaking around, giving people heart attacks. You're too quiet."

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. But you need to get out of here, now." Kai told him.

"Uh, well, now, I too have a job to do, and that's delivering the mail, which I plan to do." He pulls out the Walkers' mail which Jay takes. "Look, dude, my parents aren't even here. You really should be on your way." "Them, too? Uh, let me guess, are they at the "Take Back Ninjago" rally too?" The postman asked, "Uh, "Take Back Ninjago" rally?" Jay tilted his head in confusion.

"What, you guys haven't heard? Everyone's getting together for a rally in the city. You know, to raise awareness about all the Serpentine problems that have been surfacing lately." The Postman explains to us. "Whoa, would you look at that. You guys are inspirational." Lloyd wowed, looking at us. "Wait a minute, you know what? You guys are right. Wherever you guys are, trouble is always around the corner." As he speaks, the ninja notices the Devourer approaching and get into battle stances.

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