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Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover

Lover, Taylor Swift


The September weather was pleasant that evening: not to hot, not too cold. Just right.

JENO- Nice weather ay?

Jeno said, as he and Shinhye stepped out of the school gates.

School had ended an hour ago for the students, but few of the teachers had stayed back for work. It was nearly 5.30 PM now, and both the teachers were tired. 

"Yeah. Mother Nature heard my calls of help towards the end of last class. This is going to be my villain origin story." Shinhye replied, earning a chuckle out of Jeno. "So, what are you up to now?" Jeno asked. 

SHINHYE- Nothing much, just meeting up with a friend. 
JENO- You know people?! Wow, that's a first.

Shinhye punched Jeno's arm playfully as a response to the "insult" to which Jeno acted like it hurt.

SHINHYE- That reminds me, if Jaemin calls you up to ask about my whereabouts, just say that I'm with you, k?
JENO- Woah who are you meeting up with that you don't want Jaemin to know?
SHINHYE- Oh you know him, the way he overreacts--
JENO- Is it someone I know?
SHINHYE- Not you too- oh my God- 
JENO- Bro I'm just asking.
SHINHYE- Its a new friend, we are just meeting up to get to know each other a bit more. Now don't say that I don't know how to make new friends, I don't, but this time I somehow did. 
JENO- The lady herself, Na Shinhye, FOUND A FRIEND?! Wow.. *claps* 

Jeno and Shinhye were interrupted by a notification on Shinhye's phone. She smiled on seeing who it was from.

Hi, I'm almost here, sorry for the delay 😅

No worries !! I just came out of school either ways 

In front of bus stop no. 1, right??

Yess :) 

JENO- Renjun hunh? ;)
JENO- So, is ReNjUn just a friend or..?
JENO- Why? Should I not even see rEnJuNs face? The one you were texting with right now like yEsS with the sMiLe~
SHINHYE- Can you shut that damn mouth of yours-
JENO- ReNjUn~ I'm so telling Suk about this-

Jeno laughed at the girl who was quite pissed now.

JENO- Oh just say you don't want rEnJuN to DIe- OW!

Jeno flinched at the, this time real punch.


SHINHYE- You are not the only one who works out okay? I can beat you up if I want to, I just don't. *cue sassy eyeroll*
SHINHYE- Now begone. And the next time you say anything stupid... *raises eyebrows* you'll have it from me.
JENO- If you intended to sound intimidating, congratulations I'm scared. I'll leave now, ma'am. Please have a good day. *bows*

With that Jeno left for his home, intentionally walking slower to catch a glimpse of this new "friend".

JENO- Yikes okay-

Almost a minute after Jeno left, Shinhye saw a familiar face waving at her from across the road with a smile on his face. 

SHINHYE- Hey! *smiles*

Shinhye carefully crossed the road to reach the bus stop across the road. 

RENJUN- Hi! What's up?

Renjun was still in formal workspace attire. Renjun wore a simple button up white shirt with black trousers and a simple grey coat. He was wearing his metal-rimmed prescription glasses, as he had forgotten his contacts at home and had to go with the spare pair of glasses in his car. Shinhye would have been standing there staring if it hadn't been the sane side of her brain that told her to not come of as a creep. 

Shinhye wore a rather casual fit for a casual Monday. She had on one of those faded navy blue denim jeans with a white sweat-shirt with black stripes. 

SHINHYE- Bold of you to presume there is anything going on in my life except fricking- the Second World War? 
RENJUN- Oof- rough day with the kids hunh?
SHINHYE- No shit. It was a tiring day. 
RENJUN- Oh- would you like to head back to your home then-
SHINHYE- No. Also, the weather is so good today, would be a shame to spend the day at home, all alone. 
RENJUN- Yeah I'd say. September is just the best month to be in Seoul, you know.

The two took a moment to admire the pre-autumn surroundings. It was really a beautiful day.

RENJUN- Also, I hope you don't mind walking a bit. The closest parking I found was 5 minutes away- hehe.
SHINHYE- Oh thats not a problem at all. 

The awkwardness between the two individuals had dissipated, and they could talk comfortably.

RENJUN- So, where do you want to go?
SHINHYE- I don't know, you tell me.
RENJUN- Well, I wouldn't be able to give an answer. I haven't really roamed about ever since I came here, and this city has changed like crazy. I can't tell the roads apart anymore.

The two were now seated in Renjun's car, a smart sedan, which had been a very recent purchase, a result of a promotion accompanied with a salary raise received two months ago.

SHINHYE- So you have lived here earlier?
RENJUN- Well yeah. My father worked in an MNC and when I was about 3 years old, he had been transferred here. So from then to about- let me see- 18ish? Yeah, that's about it.
SHINHYE- And you are talking as if you haven't been here in what – like– a 100 years.

Shinhye scoffed playfully to which Renjun chuckled.

RENJUN- You're saying that because you have probably seen the city throughout. Four years do really make a difference.
SHINHYE- True. Well then, so you moved back to China?
RENJUN- My parents did, yes, but me and Yunhee moved to the US. I got my Graphic Designing degree from Stanford and somehow – don't ask how but – somehow got a good job? And then I worked there for a good 2 years in LA and then got transferred back here.
SHINHYE- Has anyone ever told you how smart you sound? Because- wow-

Shinhye stared in awe at the guy driving the car, casually listing his many academic and career achievements.

SHINHYE- Also- you are like- A STANFORD GRADUATE- okay now I feel stupid, thanks.
RENJUN- *smiles* I wouldn't presume that a high school history teacher would lack academic achievements. How long have you been one, don't mind me asking?
SHINHYE- Lets see- technically I took up the career like nearly 3 years ago? But I used to tutor children when I was doing my Bachelor's degree in Seoul National University. So thats about, say 5 years ago? I graduated high school a little early so yeah. *shrugs*
RENJUN- So I'm making you, a SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY STUDENT, feel STUPID? Please- cut the crap. I also realized that we are heading to nowhere right now, so, like, where are we going?

Shinhye laughed in amusement at the out of context but valid question, thought for a moment and said,

SHINHYE- I know a place.


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