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Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do

-Yellow, Coldplay


Childhood Friendships


Yunhee ran to her dad immediately after catching a sight of him.

"Well hello princess! Someone is super happy today hmm?"

Renjun took the tiny backpack from the child and held her hand. He was glad to see his daughter.

Having her around was something Renjun was used to, and the sudden change of him getting back to being on his own was weird. It was like Yunhee was just a dream from which he woke up from. But he was glad to be back seeing the adorable little 'dream' of his jumping about again.

"Yes dad! And you know what? I made new friends, we learnt so so so much and I also make a painting like you and and we also played-"

RENJUN- Okay okay I get it you had a great time. Let's talk about it on the way?



Yunhee hugged the tall figure. Words couldn't describe on how much Yunhee loved him. Well, it is Haechan, what else do you expect?

RENJUN- You love him more than me I get it no need to make it obvious.
YUNHEE- But I love you too. :((

RENJUN- Oh my cutie I love you. Okay now let's go back home ay?
HAECHAN- Your house is my second home.
HAECHAN- *already out of there* I'm driving.

RENJUN- *under his breath* I will be killing someone today.
YUNHEE- Did you say something?
RENJUN- Oh no darling, just admiring your uncle. So very fond of him.
YUNHEE- As you should.
RENJUN- Anyways-
??- Hee!

It was Junseo. The bright eyes boy approached Yunhee enthusiastically. Whether Renjun was surprised or shocked was hard to make out.


Jun? Pfft dumb name. Wait a damn minute Renjun, that's my nickname. Renjun glared at the boy who his daughter was oh-do-fond of.

JUNSEO- Umm I thought you stuck to calling me Seo?
YUNHEE- Both of em are your names so I don't see the problem. *shrugs*

Now they are switching around with nicknames? Great. Just great. That is all I needed. Renjun internally sighed.

YUNHEE- By the way this is my dad.

'This is my dad!' Why don't you just live with him? He'll get you two square meals ay? Hunh.. whatever. Renjun wasn't having it. It seemed to him that this boy, just as small and tiny as his daughter, was posing some sort of huge threat to the two of them. He failed to be feeling nice about his presence.

JUNSEO- Your dad is so handsome.*awestruck*

Okay he isn't that bad I guess. Still not completely impressed.

RENJUN- Thank you little guy! What may your name be?
JUNSEO- J-Jung J-Junseo. Hehe. *bows* Oh and Yunhee you f-forgot your e-exercise workbook. *hands Yunhee her workbook*
YUNHEE- Thank you. 
RENJUN- You are adorable aren't you Junseo? Well I think your parents might be here, you should be going right? 
JUNSEO- Y-yes sir. Thank you. Bye Hee!


"You made some friends I see." Renjun said, holding the little one's hand. Yunhee nodded, giggling. 

RENJUN- Let's go home now hmm?



Shinhye was everything but okay right now. She couldn't help but think how could a 5 year old be so good at art? The maximum level art she herself would be able to do is a stick figure.

She thought that telling Jihoon about it would be nice idea.

JIHOON- Shinhye, kids are dumb. There is no such thing as a child prodigy in real life. Kids are born with meager minds which are capable of nothing. Teachers such as yourself give em kids brains. And-
SHINHYE- And that is not true? Kids have more brains than adults sometimes you know. They have unlimited thinking and creating capacity. They are- extraordinary, really. Where we draw limits, they start thinking. They are humble hearted too, and very caring and loving. More than us adults, at least.

Jihoon sighed.

Park Jihoon, he hated children. No one knows how he landed this job, but he sure did hate it. He failed to believe that children could do justice to anyone, ever. 

JIHOON- When Hyunsuk was saying you are quite the philosopher he wasn't wrong. Let's keep this conversation for later, Shinhye-ssi. I am sure you are very tired. And I know that you are well well aware I have a lot to do as well. So why don't you go back home and rest, ay?

This time, Shinhye was the one to let out a sigh. She wanted Yunhee's talent to be appreciated, but in vain. 

After the rough conversation, Shinhye went back home. 

But it seemed that she had left her brain in the school, for she couldn't get her mind off of the children and work. Yunhee could not get out of her head. She should, or rather, she must

She was quite as well starving, rightfully so, she had not taken her breakfast today. She changed into some comfortable clothes and ordered some food. She had zero patience to cook. And so it happened that Shinhye fell face flat onto that bed after lunch. Why is this job so tiring? She wondered. 

The air around her was very still, more than her liking actually. It hurt her thinking that it wasn't always like that. 

All those years had seemed like a dream. Why do I deserve this? Am I not good enough? Is it really my fault? Am I really that selfish? She buried her face into the pillow, trying to stop thinking of it. The comfort of the bed was such that Shinhye forgot all stress, and felt into deep sleep.


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