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My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, So listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

-Stereo Hearts, Gym Class Heroes (ft. Adam Levine)


The next day, irrespective of yesterday's news, started off very normal. Haechan had slept over, but left early to get changed and take on his day. 

Unlike Renjun, Haechan was your normal guy in his early 20s, attending college, majoring in Music. He would be a senior in the following year, and he looked forward to all the opportunities that were to come after that. 

The father and daughter, after bidding Haechan goodbye, carried on with their day. 

YUNHEE- Dad, you seem tired? Are you okay? 

Yunhee's young mind had registered Renjun's worried face as a matter of concern, validly too. He had not slept the whole night, his head deep in the same thoughts as earlier. It seemed that there was no end to his newly developed fear of not being enough for Yunhee. He wished that he asked the teacher then and there, but he was too surprised at that point of time. Renjun, therefore, wasn't quite feeling like his usual .

The father kneeled down to reach the 5 year old's height, and lied through his teeth.

RENJUN- I'm okay, Hee. Don't worry about me.

The little girl cupped his face in her tiny hands, stroking his soft brown hair, with a small pout. 

YUNHEE- You look very tired though.

A sudden change in her tone was noticed as she continued, hands on hips,


Renjun noticed how she mimicked his own strict tone when scolding the little girl, and tried suppressing his smile, in vain.

RENJUN- You- last time I checked I'm the father--
YUNHEE- *continuing to mimic Renjun* That means you didn't. How many times have I told you to sleep on time!
RENJUN- You little girl you come here-

YUNHEE- Catch me if you can!

Yunhee stuck her tongue out in a mocking manner, before running around the living room.

RENJUN- Oh it's on. 

Renjun chased her down across the whole house, but eventually, Renjun lost Yunhee while switching amidst the hallways of the house. As he looked around, searching for where did the little one run off to while panting..


Renjun pretended to be scared and let out a loud scream, as Yunhee broke down into fits of laughter, thinking she had actually managed to scare him. Renjun couldn't help but break down into laughter as the two fell to the ground whilst laughing hard.

Renjun then got up and picked her up, kissing her forehead affectionately. 

That was the moment it hit him even harder. Yunhee was his little bundle of happiness. She was like a bright vibrant light that saved him from the darkness of his regrets. He'd go to any extent to give her the childhood she deserves. He will give her everything, even if it meant to sacrifice his own happiness. 

I must protect her at all costs, whatever the cost may be.


Later that day, Renjun went to Yunhee's school to pick her up. It was the longest wait when waiting to see that bright, vibrant face. But to Renjun's dismay he didn't see it that day. 

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